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Biuletyn IHAR 2003 229 Pisulewska Elżbieta
Biuletyn IHAR 2003 229 Spiss Ludwik History of oat breeding in Poland
Oat breeding in Poland started at the end of 19th century. Oat growing area at that time was much bigger than now due to a large number of horses. Before the second world war oat was grown on the area of over 2 million hectares. The first Polish oat varieties were: Sobieszyński, Najwcześniejszy Niemierczański and Teodozja. Varieties developed in the third decade of 20th century were grown up to the eighth decade (cv. Biały Mazur and Udycz Żółty). In 1975 and 1976 no Polish oat varieties were in the register. New good varieties were entered to the register starting from 1979. Among them were Markus and Dragon, the most important in Polish agriculture after 1980.
Biuletyn IHAR 2003 229 Nita Zygmunt Tadeusz Contemporary achievements and prospects of oat breeding in Poland 
The paper contains a review of results for breeding research on oats in the last years in Poland. The present state and new directions of the oat breeding are outlined. The varieties from the National List are characterized. Significance of high husk content in some oat varieties is emphasized. The naked oat varieties of Polish and foreign origin are compared. Measures are proposed to raise effectiveness of oat cultivation, which should increase demand for the grain.
Biuletyn IHAR 2003 229 Paczos-Grzęda Edyta Cytogenetic and molecular analyses of interspecific hybrids of the hexaploid oat Avena sativa L. × Avena sterilis L. and initial forms       
The RAPD (Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA) method was used to confirm the hybrid character of Avena sativa L. × Avena sterilis L. crosses. DNA fragments amplified in the hybrids and paternal forms, but not observed in cultivars, were identified. Configurations of chromosomes at metaphase I, frequency of lagging chromosomes and chromatid bridges at anaphase I, occurrence of micronuclei at tetrads, viability and size of pollen grains in the hybrids and parental forms were analyzed. Univalents and multivalents were not observed at metaphase I PMC. Bivalents were generally of ring shape and occasionally of rod. The hybrids, as compared with parental forms, were characterized by the higher frequencies of lagging chromosomes and chromatid bridges. Tetrads without micronuclei predominated in all the analyzed forms. Interspecific crosses, except Dragon × A. sterilis, had a greater number of micronuclei per tetrad than initial forms. Despite the differences in the occurrence of lagging chromosomes, chromatid bridges and tetrads with micronuclei, the pollen viability in the examined material was very high.
Biuletyn IHAR 2003 229 Paczos-Grzęda Edyta Characterization of some quantitative traits in interspecific hybrids ofhexaploid oat Avena sativa L. × Avena sterilis L. and initial forms
Components of yield structure of interspecific hybrids Avena sativa × A. sterilis and parental forms were investigated. Among the analyzed crosses it was not possible to select a form able to heading significantly earlier or expressing higher resistance to crown rust than maternal cultivars. All the hybrids, except Borys × A. sterilis, grew to a greater height than did the initial forms. Productive tillering of the crosses was more intensive than that of parental forms. In comparison with maternal cultivars, the hybrids were characterized by the longer panicles and smaller number of spikelets per panicle as well as by the smaller number and lower weight of kernels per panicle. The weight of 1000 grains produced by the crosses was significantly higher than that determined for A. sterilis, and similar to those produced by maternal cultivars. The husk percentage of grain and protein content of kernels with or without husk were higher with hybrids than with cultivars. The forms showing a higher content of groat protein, as compared with the cultivars, and expressing desirable yield-affecting traits have been selected.
Biuletyn IHAR 2003 229 Śmiałowski Tadeusz, Stanisław Węgrzyn Combining ability of the strains and varieties of oatsPart II. Yellow-grain oats    
The statistical analysis of combining ability in yellow-grain oats was performed for three traits; grain yield, plant height and date of heading (in days after May 1st), basing on results of 5,6 and 7 years investigations on generations from F5 to F8 for 1107, 1769 and 1593, strains respectively. The strains were obtained from crosses between 11 testers and 41 strains for yield grain, 14 testers and 41 strains for plant height and 14 testers and 38 strains for heading. The analysis of variance, carried out in hierarchic design, proved highly significant mean squares for years, testers, varieties and combinations of all the traits. The effects of combining ability were estimated for testers, combinations and varieties. Basing on the results, the group of varieties was shown, which transmitted well the characters to progeny, and the prospective cross combinations were selected, in which improvement is possible.
Biuletyn IHAR 2003 229 Moś Maria, Andrzej Zieliński The influence of accelerated ageing conditions on germinability and vigour of naked and husked oats 
Germinability and vigour of grains of naked oat cv. Akt and husked oat cv. Farys subjected to the accelerated ageing at temperatures of 41, 42, 43, 44 and 45°C for 48 or 72 h were evaluated. The naked and husked grains reacted in a different manner to the conditions applied. The greatest decrease of germinability, even below 10%, was observed with the grains of cv. Akt exposed to 45°C for 72 h. Under the same conditions, the reaction of cv. Farys was not so strong, and its germinability decreased to 17.7%. The differences in the vigour of grains, determined on the base of both the first leaf length and the longest root, were comparable to those in the germinability. Vigour was also determined by the conductometric method for the naked cultivar Akt and the CHD 2980/96, STH 7243, POBW 481/87 strains, as well as fot the husked cultivar Farys. The grains were exposed to the accelerated ageing test at the temperature of 44°C during 0–96 hours. Electrical conductivity depended on the exposure time. It was higher when the time of exposure longer and varied from 144.7 to 493.4mS cm-1×g-1. In naked grains the values were higher.
Biuletyn IHAR 2003 229 Moudrý Jan, Jan Moudrý jr., Zdeněk Štěrba, Jan Bárta Comparison of yield and panicle productivity between hulled (Avena sativa L.) and naked (Avena nuda L.) oats
To evaluate oat yield and determine grain yield components, three cultivars of hulled oat and three cultivars of naked oat were tested in field trials in the years 1999–2001. The experiments were carried out at four locations. The yield of naked oats reached 74% of that of hulled oats, but the production of nude grains was higher by 23% in naked oats. The productivity of panicles is the crucial trait affecting oat yield. Hulled cultivars, as compared with naked oats, produced a greater number of spikelets and a greater number of grains per panicle, respectively by 4.2 and 6.2 on average. The weight of 1000 grains produced by hulled cultivars was higher by 14%, but the percentage of the husks covered about 25% of the whole grain mass. The percentage of nude grains in the naked cultivars was higher (85%) than that in the hulled cultivars (50%).
Biuletyn IHAR 2003 229 Weber Ryszard, Borys Hryńczuk, Włodzimierz Kita Influence of the mode of tillage on yielding and forecrop value of oats and spring wheat going before winter wheat 
Influence of the mode of tillage on yielding and after-effect of oats as compared with spring wheat was investigated on soil of very good rye complex in the years 1999–2001. In 2000, spring wheat yielded higher than oats at all three modes of tillage (traditional ploughing, simplified tillage, direct sowing). Increased precipitation in 2001 brought significantly higher yields of oats than wheat grown at all the three modes of tillage. Varieties of winter wheat in the stand after oats showed higher yields as compared to those harvested after spring wheat. The infection of plants with fungi causing a complex of culm base diseases was found to be lower after oats than after spring wheat forecrop.
Biuletyn IHAR 2003 229 Deryło Stanisław, Kazimierz Szymankiewicz, Zofia Grodkowska, Stachowska Joanna Weed infestation of oats at a rotation and at a multispecies monoculture of small grain crops
The field experiments were conducted in the Experimental Farm Uhrusk, a part of Agricultural University in Lublin, in the years 1998–2000. They were set on podzolic soil formed from coarse loamy sand and classified as a good rye soil complex. The studies concerned weed infestation of oats canopy at various developmental phases shooting, earing and wax maturity on plots in a pea-oat-rye rotation or multispecies grain crops monoculture, at two agrotechnical levels. The weeds dominating in the crop rotation and multispecies grain crops monoculture proved to be short-lived species, mainly: Apera spica-venti, Viola arvensis, Chenopodium album, Stellaria media, Polygonum convolvulus and Galium aparine. They made from 78.6% do 79.9% of total weed mass. The highest weed number in oats canopy, at both the crop rotation and the monoculture was recorded at the earing phase (31.2 and 27.6 plants per m2, respectively). The higher agrotechnical level had a significant influence on decrease of the infestation indices. Weed number was reduced by over 3.0 and 3.8 times, and their biomass — 3.8 and 4.6 times, respectively for the rotation and the monoculture.
Biuletyn IHAR 2003 229 Śmiałowski Tadeusz, Stanisław Węgrzyn The path-coefficient analysis of yield structure parameters in spring oat   
The aim of the study was to estimate direct and indirect effects of six traits: date of heading, plant height, resistance to lodging and to crown rust, 1000 grain weight and content of hull on grain yield per plot in strains and cultivars of spring oat (Avena sativa) investigated in field trials in 1999 and 2000. The study was carried out on 50 forms (25 each year) in 4 localities. The statistical analysis comprised calculation of coefficient of variability, phenotypic and genotypic correlations and path-coefficient analysis of six traits and grain yield per plot. The genotypic correlation between grain yield and crown rust resistance was positive and highly significant in the both years of study (rG(1999) = 0.93** and rG(2000) = 0.64**). Path-coefficient analysis showed very strong direct effect of crown rust on grain yield (P37(1999) = 1.439** and P37(2000) = 0.607**). A negative genotypic correlation existed between date of heading and grain yield (rG(1999) = -0.73** and rG(2000) = -0.48**), and also direct effects on yield were negative in the both years of study (P(1999) = -0.667**, and P(2000) = -0.819**).
Biuletyn IHAR 2003 229 Wróbel Edward, Tadeusz Krajewski, Wojciech Krajewski The effect of nitrogen application on yield and its structure of naked and hulled oats  
The results in this paper were obtained in the 2-year field trials aimed to evaluate the effects of different doses of nitrogen (30, 60 and 90 kg N·ha-1) on yielding of two oat cultivars: naked Akt and hulled form Bajka. The effects of nitrogen on grain yield and yield components: number of panicles per 1 m2, number of grains per panicle and weight of 1000 kernels were estimated. Agricultural efficiency of 1 kg of nitrogen was assessed. The significant increase of oat grain was found up to the rate of 90 kg N·ha-1 applied in two parts: 60 kg N·ha-1 before sowing and 30 kg·ha-1 during culm emergence. A higher yield of grain was obtained with cv. Bajka that showed a higher number of panicles per 1 m2 and a higher weight of 1000 kernels. High agricultural efficiency of applied nitrogen was found for the dose of 30 kg N·ha-1. At higher nitrogen doses (60 and 90 kg N·ha-1) the efficiency was lower (9.2 and 9.4 kg of grain). The investigated cultivars showed different demand for nitrogen fertilization. The Akt cultivar yielded best at the dose of 90 kg N×ha-1, the Bajka cultivar at 30 kg×ha-1 The highest yield of protein and the highest energy value of the yield were recorded at the dose of 90 kg N·ha-1.
Biuletyn IHAR 2003 229 Piech Marian, Robert Maciorowski, Krum Petkov The yield of grain and nutritive components of naked and hulled oats cultivated at two nitrogen levels  
In the field trials carried out in 1997–1999 at two stations (Lipnik and Strzelce) three oat varieties (naked oats Akt and STH 296 and conventional hulled oat Bajka) grown at two nitrogen doses were compared. The N doses (kg/ha) were: 50 and 100 (Lipnik) 70 and 100 (Strzelce, 1998), 60 and 100 Strzelce, 1999). The yields of: protein, oil, essential amino acids (lysine, methionine, cysteine, threonine) and metabolizable energy were calculated based on of the grain yield, chemical composition of grain and its digestibility for pigs. The naked oat varieties Akt and STH 296, as compared with the hulled var. Bajka, contained more protein (by 26 and 34 g/kg, respectively), oil (40 and 42 g/kg) and amino acids, especially threonine, but less crude fibre (73 and 70 g/kg, respectively). The metabolizable energy of the naked oat varieties exceeded those of hulled oats up to 3.2 MJ/kg (30%). The oil yield of the naked oats was higher by about 106 kg/ha (40%) than that of the hulled oat. The yields of protein, amino acids (lysine, methionine, cysteine, threonine) and metabolizable energy, were lower by 7, 8 and 9%, respectively. It was due to the lower grain yield of the naked varieties, even after excluding the content of husk in the hulled variety. The higher nitrogen doses increased the content of protein by approx. 10 g/kg and that of amino acids by 1.6 g/kg, at the same contribution of the amino acids to the total protein. In contrast, the content of the oil crude fibre and metabolizable energy for pigs remained unchanged. The yields of nutritive components: protein, oil, amino acids and metabolizable energy increased under the higher nitrogen treatment by 19, 8, 19 and 9%, respectively.
Biuletyn IHAR 2003 229 Walens Małgorzata Effect of nitrogen fertilization and sowing rates on yield and grain quality of naked and husked oat cultivars    
The response of two oat cultivars (naked and husked) to increasing nitrogen rates (0, 60, 90 and 120 kg N/ha) and increasing sowing rates (400, 500, 600 seeds/m2) was investigated in field trials in the years 2000–2001. Yield of grain, protein and crude fat content as well as mineral substances, vitamins from the B group, E vitamin, b-glucans and dietary fibre were determined. Yield of the naked Akt cultivar was 33% lower than that of Deresz. Naked oat’s seeds contained more total protein and crude fat, the content of crude fibre was lower. Both the naked and husked cultivars reached the highest yield level at 60 kg/ha nitrogen doses. Increasing nitrogen rates (up to 90 kg N/ha) caused increasing percentage of total protein in grain and decreased percentage of crude fat. Effect of increasing sowing rates of the Akt cultivar caused decrease of crude fat yield. The grain of the naked cultivar had more B vitamins, E vitamin and b-glucans, but had less dietary fibre.
Biuletyn IHAR 2003 229 Sułek Alicja Effect of nitrogen on yield and its components in new cultivars of oats
The response of 7 new oats cultivars to nitrogen rates (1.2; 2.4; 3.6 g n/pot) was investigated in Mitscherlich pots in the years 1998–2001. The nitrogen dose of 2.4 g N/pot caused a significant yield increase in cvs. Bachmat, Cwał, Sprinter, Bohun and Polar. The cultivar Flamingsstern showed a significant yield increase at the N rate of 3.6 g N/pot. Yield increase was related to increased productive tillering.
Biuletyn IHAR 2003 229 Piotrowska Wiesława, Stefan Pietkiewicz, Zdzisław Wyszyński, Tadeusz Łoboda, Dariusz Gozdowski, Edyta Kotlarska-Jaros, Sławomir Stankowski Gas exchange of oat depending on nitrogen fertilization       
In a greenhouse experiment, gas exchange parameters (photosynthesis, transpiration, their derivative water use efficiency and stomatal conductance) were studied for two new oat cultivars: hulled Chwat and naked Akt. The plants were grown in Wagner’s pots, fertilized with different nitrogen doses (0.5, 0.75 and 1 g N/pot), from three different fertilizers, and examined with the Li-6400 gas analyzer. No effect of the applied nitrogen fertilizers upon gas exchange differentiation was found. For the differentiated rates of nitrogen, a higher photosynthetic intensity was observed only during the phase of panicle appearance in plants grown in pots with the highest nitrogen rate, 1.0 g N/pot. Strong correlation was found between photosynthetic intensity and stomatal conductance (r = 0.87 average for cultivars and 0.88 for nitrogen rates), which shows a similar effect of the factors studied in the experiment. Water use efficiency (WUE) was much higher in the cv. Akt as compared to the cv. Chwat only in the early phases of ontogeny, independently of nitrogen rate. Value of WUE clearly decreased during the ontogeny for both cultivars. In later phases of ontogeny no differences were found in WUE neither for the cultivars nor for the nitrogen rates.
Biuletyn IHAR 2003 229 Dubis Bogdan, Wojciech Budzyński Response of naked and husked oats to date and density of sowing 
Yields of naked and husked oats cultivars were determined and described in the canopy of different plants density, sown at optimal and delayed date. Naked oats cv. Akt showed lower yielding potential by 30% than husked cv. Borowiak. However, yield of both oats forms was the same after dehusking of grains. Two weeks delay of sowing, in relation to the earliest possible date, resulted in yield reduction of cv. Borowiak and Akt by 2 and 11%, respectively. The effects of sowing date and its interaction with cultivar were significant. Yield increase of cv. Akt resulting from of higher sowing density (i.e. 800 kernels·m-2) was shown and similar response of cv. Borowiak was not noted. Increased sowing density has not compensated the adverse effect of yield decrease due to delaying of sowing date.
Biuletyn IHAR 2003 229 Szempliński Władysław Yielding of naked and covered oat and spring barley in pure and mixed crops 
Field trials were conducted in 2000–2001 to determine lodging, infection by pathogens and yielding of two cultivars of oat and spring barley each (naked and covered forms) grown as single and mixed crops. The results showed that the yields of the covered forms of oat (cv. Borowiak) and spring barley (cv. Rodion) were higher by 33% and 23% than those of the naked forms (cvs Akt and Rastik, respectively), the differences being significant. The lowest yield was produced by the mixture of the naked forms of oat and barley. Cultivation of the mixed crops resulted in reduction of lodging and of infestation by pathogenic fungi. It could also ensure 1.3 to 7% higher yields, as compared to the average yields of the components, obtained in pure sowing. The grains of naked cultivars of oat and spring barley contained more crude protein than those of the covered forms. In most cases, the content of crude protein was lower in the grains harvested from the mixtures than in those produced by single crops.
Biuletyn IHAR 2003 229 Piech Marian, Robert Maciorowski, Krum Petkov The yield of grain and nutritive components of naked and hulled oat varieties and of spring barley in pure sowing and in mixed crops       
The grain harvested in the field experiment carried out in 1997–1999 at two stations (Lipnik and Strzelce) was evaluated. The experiment included 7 objects: two naked oat varieties (Akt and STH 296), hulled oat var. Bajka, barley var. Rataj, and mixtures of each of the oat varieties with barley. The yields of: total protein, crude oil, essential amino acids (lysine, methionine, cysteine, threonine) and metabolizable energy were estimated based on the grain yield, chemical composition of grain and digestibility for pigs. The yields of nutritive components (total protein, oil, essential amino acids) and the yield of metabolizable energy of naked oats mixed with barley were lower than those of hulled oats mixed with barley. Only the oil yield was higher by about 24–34%. The main factor limiting the usefulness of the naked oat varieties mixed with barley is a low yield of grains and domination of the barley grains in these mixtures. The naked oat varieties, as compared with a hulled var. Bajka, showed a higher protein content by 2% (Akt) and 11% (STH 296), a higher oil content by 55% (Akt) and 40% (STH 296), as well as similar amino acids and metabolizable energy yields. The results confirmed the high nutritive value of the naked oats cultivated in pure sowing, whereas these varieties are not as valuable as the hulled ones cultivated in the mixtures with barley.
Biuletyn IHAR 2003 229 Klima Kazimierz, Kinga Szarek Yielding of covered and naked oats grown in mixed crops depending on the field location on a slope 
In the years 2000–2002, the yields of covered and naked oats grown in pure sowing and in mixtures were evaluated. Special attention was paid on the relations between a field location on a slope and oat yielding. Both the mixtures and their particular components applied in pure sowing yielded at higher levels in the lower zone of the slope, the soil of which contained a greater amount of nutrients. The average yield of naked oats cultivated in pure sowing was smaller than that of covered oats by 0.98 t×ha-1. However, if the content of grain hull of covered oats was taken into account, the average yields of covered and naked oats were found similar. The yield of naked oats mixed with spring triticale was smaller than those of the mixture of covered oats and spring barley and of the mixture of covered oats and spring triticale. Naked oats applied as the components of the corn mixtures better exploited environmental conditions than did covered oats.
Biuletyn IHAR 2003 229 Jan Kołodziej Influence of precipitation on shaping some properties of oat grain cultivated in mountain conditions   
Source data of this work came from field experiments carried out by COBORU (National Centre for Cultivar Testing) in mountain areas (located above 550 m a.s.l.). Analysis of hull contribution percentage, mass of 1000 grains and percentage contribution of offal in oat yield was performed against the background of precipitation. Calculations were made using the modeling method that allows determining optimal quantity of precipitation in particular oat phenophases. Differentiation in water demand was demonstrated for successive oat phenophases for obtaining optimal functional characters of grain. In general, lower amount of precipitation turned out to be more advantageous for lower percentage of hull, while higher amount of precipitation was better for lower contribution of offal in oat yield. Lower precipitation during the vegetative phases of development and higher one during the generative phase favoured high mass of 1000 grains.
Biuletyn IHAR 2003 229 Skowera Barbara, Jan Kołodziej Influence of thermal and precipitation factors on yield of oat in the Orawsko-Nowotarska Basin      
The work was based on materials published by COBORU and meteorological data worked out by IMGW in the years 1985–1996 for Łopuszna. These data concerned mean yield of oat and terms for consecutive phenological stages. Daily meteorological data concerning mean, maximum and minimal air temperature as well as precipitation sums and number of days with precipitation were used in the work either. The aim of the work was quantitative determination of influence of thermal (mean, maximum and minimal air temperature) and precipitation (sums of precipitation and number of days with precipitation) conditions on yield of oat cultivated in climatic conditions of the Orawsko-Nowotarska Basin. The influence of meteorological conditions on yield proved to be statistically significant. The most important were effects of mean and extreme air temperatures in the flowering-shooting phase, number of days with precipitation and sums of precipitation between sowing and harvest as well as effect of length of oat growing season.
Biuletyn IHAR 2003 229 Szmigiel Aleksander, Andrzej Złobecki Resistance of husked and naked oat seeds to mechanical damage     
The paper presents an assessment of resistance to mechanical damage for two oat cultivars: husked Chwat and naked Akt. The oats were cultivated in 2001 under diverse site conditions: in the vicinity of Krakow on very good wheat soil complex (degraded chernozem on loess) and in the Sądecka Basin on 365 m a.s.l. on a mountain wheat soil complex (brown soil). The both oat cultivars were grown as pure cultures and in mixtures with spring barley. The assessment of grain resistance to mechanical damage was carried out by means of grain crushing between two steel plates in the system programmed by Mohsein (Kolowca, 1979). The seeds were crushed furrow down. The strength value was registered when the damage appeared. The measurements were made on 400 seeds for each object. The obtained strength value distributions were compared with a series of popular statistic distributions useful in experimentation (Ślipek, 1987). The highest compatibility parameters were obtained for the Weibull distribution. The parameters of this distribution were determined by application of non-linear estimation, while comparisons between distributions among samples were done graphically. The results of strength measurements within the microdamage range for the husked grain (Chwat cv.) changed significantly depending on cultivation conditions. The naked seed (Akt cv.) strength was independent on the cultivation conditions.
Biuletyn IHAR 2003 229 Skórska Elżbieta, Rafał Lewandowski Comparison of reactions of three oat varieties to UV-B radiation
Under influence of the UV-B radiation (UV-BBE = 4 kJ·m-2·d-1, 15 days), plants of oat (Avena sativa L.) growing in controlled conditions of the temperature (17°C/15°C, day/night) and light (PPFD = 150 mmol·m-2·s-1) showed undesirable changes of the biometrical and physiological features. Considering the biometrical features, from among the examined three varieties (Akt, Bajka, Cacko), the most sensitive was the naked Cacko variety it had shortened and stenosed leaves, and diminished dry mass of plants. Plants of the traditional husked Bajka variety showed higher tolerance to the used UV-B dose, had less disturbed photosynthetic apparatus than the investigated naked varieties Akt and Cacko.
Biuletyn IHAR 2003 229 Burgieł Zbigniew J., Elżbieta Pisulewska Naked oat seed-borne fungi 
The fungi infesting grains of naked oat cv. Akt grown in the fields located at Mydlniki near Kraków, Libusza near Gorlice and Limanowa (Małopolska Region) have been isolated. The greatest number of isolates was obtained from oats grown in Limanowa, whereas the smallest number was found in oats grown in Mydlniki. All the collected samples were found infected by Alternaria alternata, Epicoccum purpurascens, Penicillium spp. and Fusarium culmorum. The proportions of these species in the collected samples were similar. Pot experiments were carried out to identify the pathogenicity of Fusarium culmorum, F. avenaceum, Alternaria alternata and Epicoccum purpurascens isolates against oat seedlings. F. culmorum isolated in Limanowa was found to be strongly pathogenic. In contrast, Fusarium avenaceum showed weak pathogenicity. Inoculation of the medium with the remaining fungi did not affect significantly the oat seedlings.
Biuletyn IHAR 2003 229 Michalski Tadeusz, Horoszkiewicz-Janka Joanna Fungi infesting grain of naked oats and husked oats depending on the system of plant protection
The aim of the investigations was to determine the differences in colonization of grains of naked and husked oats dependent on the system of plant protection during plant vegetation. The grains of naked oat var. Akt and husked oat var. Hetman were harvested in the field experiments conducted at the Experimental Station in Swadzim in the years 2000–2001. The grains were germinated on Petri dishes with PDA medium. Fungal colonies grown on the grains were examined to identify the species and evaluate a number and type of the colonies. Both the energy and capacity of germination of husked oats were higher than those of naked oats. Saprophytic fungi were found to be in the prevalence (60–80%) among the isolated ones. Pathogenic fungi occurred more frequently on husked oat grains. A significant interaction was stated between presence of husk and system of plant protection
Biuletyn IHAR 2003 229 Boligłowa Elżbieta, Katarzyna Znój The effect of method of land slope gradient on healthiness and yielding of oats in monoculture and in mixtures  
In 1998–2000 field experiments were carried out at a mountain experimental station situated at 545–570 m a.s.l at Czyrna NiĹźna near Krynica. The experiments concerned healthiness and yielding of oats depending on the method of sowing and position on the slope. A significant increase in oats leaves infection was recorded in pure stands by Puccinia coronata and Helminthosporium avenae. Mixtures limited the intensity of fungal diseases on leaves and ensured better yielding. On the other hand position on the slope did not have any influence on fungal diseases of oats leaves. However, oats cultivation in the upper part of the slope with 16.6% inclination gradient caused a marked aggravation of the take all disease.
Biuletyn IHAR 2003 229 Kieć Jacek The occurrence of Avena strigosa on arable fields of south-eastern Poland 
The study on presence of Avena strigosa in arable fields of south-eastern Poland was carried out in 1995–1999. An increasing infestation by this species, especially on mineral soil with a very low or low content of macroelements and low reaction was observed. A. strigosa was present mainly in spring barley and oats as well as in their mixtures. Because of the increasing incidence of this weed, farmers should pay more attention on seed material.
Biuletyn IHAR 2003 229 Bartnikowska Elżbieta Oat products as a source of important bioactive substances in human nutrition
Recently consumers request the food products complied with requirements of functional food and convenience food criteria. The composition of oat grain is favourable from human nutrition point of view (range of protein content and its aminoacid pool composition, range of unsaturated fatty acids in fatty acids pool, and soluble in water b-glucans as well as antioxidants content). Moreover, in many experimental studies on animals and clinical studies in humans it was discovered that oat products exert hypocholesterolemic and hypotensial effects as well as decrease postprandial glycaemia, and are useful in weight loss in men and women. Therefore, oat products could be recognized as functional foods. These special physiological effects of oat products are not enough appreciated in human nutrition in Poland. In order to increase the consumption of oat products, popularization of valuable oat products is necessary. Similarly, it is necessary to include the modern procedures of processing like extrusion enabling to obtain the oat products as convenience foods with sensory characteristics desirable by consumers.
Biuletyn IHAR 2003 229 Lange Ewa Infuence of extruded naked oat products on fat and cholesterol concentration in gastric contents and postprandial lipemia in rats 
In previous studies we observed that raw bruised naked oat and its extrudates decreased plasma total cholesterol in rats fed diet rich in fat and cholesterol. Size and composition of meals determine magnitude of the postprandial lipemia, which may determine further lipid metabolism. The aim of the study was to investigate and compare the influence of addition of naked oat extrudate and breadcrumbs to the vegetarian chop on the fat and cholesterol gastric empting rate and postprandial lipemia in rats. Both meals used in this experiment, with oat and with breadcrumbs, contained the same amount and quality of fat (31%) and dietary fiber (2.65%). The stomach and the intestine were dissected from 4 rats in fasting state and from 3 rats of both groups after each hour after meal consumption (from 1to 7 hour) to determine total fat, its fatty acids pool and cholesterol in gastric contents. At the same time the blood samples were collected to determine plasma triglycerides, fatty acids pool and total cholesterol. Inclusion of naked oat extrudate into the test meal inhibited fat, especially saturated fatty acids, gastric emptying and delayed increasing of triglycerides concentration in plasma after meal. However, addition of the naked oat extrudate into vegetarian chop changed neither cholesterol gastric empting rate nor plasma fatty acids pool.
Biuletyn IHAR 2003 229 Wołoch Renata Total phenolics content and free radical scavenging activity in milling fractions of barley and oat grain (naked and covered forms)    
The studies were conducted to determine the total phenolics content of whole barley grain (naked cv. Rastik, covered cv. Start forms) and whole oat grain (naked cv. Akt, covered cv. Kasztan) and of their milling fractions: flour and bran. In addition, free radical scavenging activity of extracts obtained from the material was measured. The levels of phenolic compounds in the whole barley grain were higher (3.46 and 2.98 mg catechin/g DM, respectively) than those in the whole oat grain (2.32 and 2.0 mg catechin/ g DM, respectively). The process of husking of covered forms of barley and oats lowered the phenolic content of both species (2.05 and 1.83 mg catechin/g DM). The methanol-acetone extracts of the whole barley grain (naked and covered forms) had twofold higher radical scavenging activity (56.93 and 60.32%) than the extracts obtained from the corresponding oat forms (32.14 and 34%). Husking of the covered forms of barley and oats decreased the antioxidant activity in both species: 41.27 and 23.18%, respectively. The levels of phenolic compounds in barley bran (4.29 and 3.24 mg catechin/ g DM) were higher than those in oat bran (2.46 and 2.40 mg catechin/g DM). The highest radical scavenging activity was noted for barley (62.7 and 59.09%) and oat bran (34.76 and 36.62%) fractions. Significant relationships (r = 0.893) were found between the content of phenolic compounds and antioxidant activity of methanol-acetone fractions of barley and oat grain and their milling fractions.
Biuletyn IHAR 2003 229 Wołoch Renata, Paweł M. Pisulewski The effect of flour derived from naked and covered forms of barley and oat on serum lipid profile in rats   
The present study was aimed at assessing the hypocholesterolemic effects of supplementing rats diet with the flour, obtained from barley grain (naked cv. Rastik and covered cv. Start) and from oats grain (naked cv. Akt and covered cv. Kasztan). Rats used to the experiment (Wistar) were fed individually, half-synthetic diet (AIN-93G) for growing rats with increasing content of dietary fiber of barley or oats flour (1, 2 and 3%). It was found that barley and oats flours, from naked and covered forms, significantly (P < 0.05) differed in chemical composition (Table 1). The barley flour, of the both forms, showed lower lipids level (cv. Rastik — 0.97 and cv. Start — 1.64% DM) and high level of dietary fiber, particularly soluble dietary fiber (cv. Rastik-6.18 and cv. Start — 5.25% DM) and β-glucans (cv. Rastik — 3.11 and cv. Start — 3.32% DM). Oats flour, obtained from both naked and covered forms of grain, was rich in lipids (cv. Akt — 3.59 and cv. Kasztan — 3.46% DM). The simillar level of soluble dietary fiber was found in oats flour, as compared to barley flour (cv. Akt — 4.12 and cv. Kasztan — 5.0% DM), with lower content of β-glucans (cv. Akt — 1.59 and cv. Kasztan — 1.47% DM). Flours obtained from naked forms of grain, of the both species, were rich source of protein (11.00% DM), as compared with flour obtained from covered forms of barley and oats (cv. Start — 6.64 and cv. Kasztan — 9.47% DM). The increase of addition of dietary fiber of barley flour obtained from the naked form, in the hypercholesterolemic rats diet, lowered total cholesterol, both its LDL and HDL fractions and decreased tryglicerides level. The addition of dietary fiber of barley flour obtained from the covered form, in rats diet, showed no hypocholesterolemic effect. The increasing share of dietary fiber from oat flour in rats diet, obtained from both the naked and covered forms, influenced decrease of total cholesterol and LDL cholesterol levels. Flour obtained from the naked form of oat cv. Akt showed significantly higher (P < 0.05) hypocholesterolemic effect.
Biuletyn IHAR 2003 229 Gambuś Halina, Elżbieta Pisulewska, Florian Gambuś The use of products of milled naked oat in baking bread            
The quality of wheat bread and ageing process after the addition to flour of different amounts (3, 5, 10%) of oat bran or oat flour, obtained by laboratory milling of naked oat (var. Akt) were evaluated. Both, loaves with oat bran and with oat flour have been qualified as I class in sensory analysis. The addition of bran in the amount of 3 and 5% had no essential effect on crumb hardness, as compared to standard bread, whereas the same amount of oat flour slightly increased the hardness in the day of baking. The content of dietary fibre was higher in bread with bran than in standard bread. The presence of oat products in wheat bread resulted in increasing the level of micro- and macroelements. Oat bran were found to be a more valuable technological additive than oat flour in relation both to the quality and nutritional value of wheat bread. Based on the opinions of consumers, the 5% additive of oat bran can be recommended to be applied at baking wheat bread.
Biuletyn IHAR 2003 229 Gambuś Halina, Marek Gibiński The effect of addition of oat starch on wheat bread quality and staling     
The aim of this study was to show the effect of the addition of lipid naturally occurring in oat starch on the quality and ageing of model pup loaves (40 g) baked from wheat starch and dry vital gluten. A certain part of wheat starch 5, 10, 15 and 20% was substituted by oat starch. Trials were also undertaken to bake wheat bread 250 g in weight, in which wheat flour was substituted by oat starch up to 10 and 20% of the whole flour mass. The loaves were evaluated on the day of baking and then during 3 days of storage. All the oat starch additives to the model pup loaves caused enhanced the efficiency of baking and diminished backing losses. They also improved the degree of crumb penetration, which made possible to gain the high sensor scores, irrespective of a slight volume decrease. No positive effect of oat starch lipid on the quality and staling of wheat breads (250 g) was observed.
Biuletyn IHAR 2003 229 Ceglińska Alicja, Tadeusz Haber, Agnieszka Stelebniak An attempt to utilize oat bran in baking cake products
Seven samples of wheat flour with an addition of 2, 4, 6, 8, 10 and 12% of oat bran were the material for the study. Two kinds of cakes: cracknel and pretzel were baked. The content of the total dietary fibre and its water soluble and insoluble fractions were examined. The cakes were evaluated in organoleptic tests, and their crispness (hardness), baking performance and baking losses were determined as well. The content of dietary fibre in the cracknels and pretzels containing the greatest proportion of oat bran was over 5 times and almost 4 times as high as that in the cakes with no addition of oat bran, respectively. The higher content (10–12%) of oat bran had a disadvantageous effect upon the traits evaluated in the organoleptic assay and on cracknel hardness. The recommended proportions of oat bran in blend to make cracknels and pretzels are 6–8% and 6–12%, respectively. The results show that oat bran can be used to enrich cakes by the dietary fibre.
Biuletyn IHAR 2003 229 Czubaszek Anna Some physical features and chemical composition of grain of several oat varieties
The aim of this research was to assess physical features and contents of some chemical components of oat grain. The experimental material was the grain of four hulled oat varieties (Dragon, Skrzat, Sławko, Bajka) and of one naked variety (Akt) coming from the Experimental Strain Test Stations at Jelenia GĂłra and Bobrowniki of 1998 harvest. The grain of the oat varieties was characterized by high HL-weight (the hulled varieties from 51.7 to 54.6 kg/hl, the naked one 66.7 kg/hl). Among the hulled varieties, the weight of 1000 grains of varieties Sławko and Bajka was high, and that of var. Skrzat was low. In the naked variety Akt the weight of 1000 grains was the lowest. Positive correlation was observed between the HL-weight and the content of soluble pentosans, as well as between the weight of 1000 grains and the content of starch. The oat varieties tested did not have much hulls. In hulled oat they were from 20.3% (Sławko) to 23.7% (Bajka) and in the naked one (Akt) 1.4%. Variety Sławko was found to be conspicuous by a high proportion (47.2%) of grains over 2.8 mm thick. The grain of naked var. Akt was finer than that of hulled ones. The sample of this variety coming from Jelenia GĂłra contained many grains (53.0%) 2.2–2.5 mm thick, and that coming from Bobrowniki — many grains (85.0%) of the thickness below 2.2 mm. Total protein content in the varieties ranged from 12.5 to 14.7%. The differences between the average values for varieties were not significant. Also, not significant differences were found in the contents of starch. The quantities of these components appeared to have been influenced by the site of growing. The samples coming from Jelenia GĂłra contained more protein (14.1%) and starch (52.6%) than those from Bobrowniki (12.9 and 46.0%, respectively). The content of soluble pentosans was much lower than that of insoluble ones. No significant differences were found in the contents of the pentosan fractions connected with either the varieties or the growing site. The oat grain was characterized by a high activity of proteolytic enzymes (means for varieties from 3.76 to 4.16 units). The falling number of varieties under study was similar. The samples from Jelenia GĂłra had lower falling number as compared with those from Bobrowniki (379 and 416 s, respectively). Correlation between the falling number and the total protein content was found to be negative.
Biuletyn IHAR 2003 229 Fabijańska Maria, Iwona Kozieradzka, Marcin Bekta Application of naked oats in feeding pigs and poultry Part 1. Naked oats in feeding of fatteners  
Based on the studies conducted in the years 1994–2002, it was found that the naked oats could be used equally as maize and wheat in feeding of pigs, due to its chemical composition and nutritive value. The naked oat contains 15% of crude protein, 2% of crude fibre and 8% of crude fat in dry matter. As compared to wheat, maize and barley, oats protein is more abundant in lysine (4.11 gg/16 g of N), fibre contains less lignin (1.09%) and fat contains the comparable quantities of UFA (more than 81%). The content of b-glucanes (4.38) and phytates (0.39) is higher in hulled oats. Energetic value of naked oats (16.6 MJ ME/kg) is equal to that of wheat and maize. Digestibility of naked oats is high — 80% for organic substance. The 55% participation of naked oats in the full-ration mixture for fatteners allows reaching the mean daily gains of 855 g (the control group with the same participation of barley showed gains of 784 g) with the similar indices of dressing percentage and somewhat higher carcass fattening as compared to the control group.
Biuletyn IHAR 2003 229 Kosieradzka Iwona, Maria Fabijańska Application of naked oats in feeding pigs and poultry Part II. Naked oats in feeding broiler chickens     
In the experiments conducted at the Department of Animal Nutrition and Feed Science of Agricultural University (SGGW), broiler chickens were fed the diets containing different amount of naked oats with or without the addition of b-glucanase. Digestibility and energy value of the oats, body weight gains, feed to gain ratio, dressing percentage, physico-chemical and sensory properties of meat, chemical composition of the meat as well as fatty acids and cholesterol contents in breast muscles of the chickens were determined. It was found that the naked oats were well digested by the broiler chickens. The addition of b-glucanase increased digestibility. The enzyme supplementation resulted in the enhanced digestibility of fibre fraction and energy value of oats. A high level of oats in the diets with the addition of the enzyme slightly improved production parameters in the first weeks of the chickens’ lives as compared with the control group. The diets containing oats affected neither the dressing percentage nor the sensory properties of the meat, but it decreased water-holding capacity and drip loss of the meat. The naked oats were found to rise the share of PUFAs and lowered the cholesterol level in the muscles of broiler chicken. The naked oats are a very good component of the feeds for broiler chickens and may be used with the addition of the enzyme without deterioration of the production parameters and quality of meat. The results of our studies were compared with those of the experiments conducted at other research centres in which Canadian, British and Australian cultivars of genetically naked oats were evaluated.
Biuletyn IHAR 2003 229 Wróbel Edward, Tadeusz Krajewski, Marek Krajewski Yield and fodder value of naked oats grain in pure sowing and in mixtures  
Yielding of naked oats (cv. Akt) and hulled form (cv. Bajka), grown in pure sowing and in mixtures, was studied in a field trial. Two levels of nitrogen application: 60 and 90 kg N×ha-1 were compared on the background of control (without nitrogen). In quality estimation the following parameters were taken into account: crude protein content and energy value of grain (MJ×kg-1). The cultivar Bajka gave higher yield by 46% compared to cv. Akt. Yield of the mixture was higher by 7.4% in relation to yield of the components in pure sowing. The highest yield was obtained on plots where the rate of 90 kg N×ha-1 was applied. Grain of naked oats (cv. Akt) showed higher content of crude protein and higher energy value of grain. Nitrogen application favoured protein accumulation in grain.
Biuletyn IHAR 2003 229 Micek Piotr, Tadeusz Zając, Franciszek Borowiec Protective value of oat and its chemical composition and nutritive value as green forage or silage 
The aim of the study was to determine the protective value of oats as well as an effect of plant maturity on yield and nutritive value of whole plants oat as green forage or silage. In experiment I, the protective value of oats for undersown alfalfa was investigated. The cultivation of oat as a protective plant (with reduced number of plants per ha) for undersown alfalfa resulted in medium- size yield of green forage. At the same time, oats ensured a sufficient supply of active light for photosynthesis for proper growth and development of alfalfa plants. In experiment II, the plants for making silage were cut at three stages of maturity: heading, milk and milk-dough. Ageing of plants from the heading to a milk-dough stage of growth increased dry matter content (DM) and caused important changes in their chemical composition. The increase of a starch proportion was accompanied by a decrease in a crude protein content and NDF level. Moreover, the plants cut at the heading, milk or milk-dough stages of growth were proved to be good materials for silages. Because of the high yield of dry matter and net energy (UFL) per ha, the milk-dough stage of oat maturity can be recommended for making silage.