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Biuletyn IHAR 2003 225 Łyszczarz Roman The influence of harvest time on some characters of two varieties ofcommon orchard grass
Effects of the date of first regrowth cut on plant height, yield and total protein and crude fibre content in two orchard grass varieties Amera and Astera were studied in 1997–1999 on a mineral soil of the IIIb class. The Amera variety demonstrated a higher growth and development rate during the first regrowth. Depending on years it had ears by 7–14 days earlier than the Astera variety. The highest qualitative and quantitative changes were found just before the earing time of both varieties, i.e. in the last days of their usefulness for grazing. Dynamics of changes determining the effect of the date of first regrowth cut were described mathematically and with graphs for both varieties. Because of high determination coefficients found the dynamics allow to assess the parameters under study with a high accuracy at a specific day of first regrowth cut.
Biuletyn IHAR 2003 225 Goliński Piotr, Stanisław Kozłowski The role of cultivars mixtures of Lolium perenne and Trifolium repens in pasture overdrilling
In the years 2000–2001, in an experiment established on a pasture situated on a muck soil site, the authors analysed the effectiveness of overdrilling measured by the share of species overdrilled in the sward, yield and herbage quality in relation to the following applied cultivars and cultivar mixtures of Lolium perenne: Anna, Barylou, Anna + Maja, Barylou + Barlano + Barezane and Trifolium repens: Barbian, Barbian + Alice + Haifa. Cultivar mixtures were developed on the basis of specificity of their biological and chemical properties which determine yield and herbage quality. Overdrilling was carried out with the Vredo seeder equipped with a disk system cutting sod. Two methods of sod preparation for overdrilling were applied: low mowing (3 cm) and spraying with Reglone. The experiment was established in a random block design on 20 m2 plots on which pasture utilization was simulated by collecting 4–5 regrowths. The performed experiments allowed concluding that it is justifiable to apply cultivar mixtures of Lolium perenne and Trifolium repens. The mixture of Barylou + Barlano + Barezane cultivars increased both the proportion of Lolium perenne in the sward and its yield, especially in the year of overdrilling, and contributed to the improvement of sward fodder value. The mixture of Anna + Maja cultivars did not guarantee any significant influence on sward botanical composition of the overdrilled pasture, although it increased its yield. The replacement of the Barbian cultivar by a mixture of Trifolium repens cultivars Barbian + Alice + Haifa increased the share of this species in the sward of the overdrilled pasture, which had a positive influence on sward chemical composition. The application of cultivar mixtures of Lolium perenne and Trifolium repens increased the effectiveness of pasture overdrilling by improved stability of sward botanical composition. The increased proportion of the overdrilled components in sward had a positive impact on pasture productivity and herbage quality, mainly with regard to protein, lignin and magnesium content.
Biuletyn IHAR 2003 225 Ścibior Halina Effect of the first cut date on the yields and yield components of red clover-meadow fescue mixtures  
The effect of timing of the first cut on the rate of biomass increase, yields and yield components of red clover cultivars (diploid Nike and tetraploid Jubilatka) and meadow fescue cv. Westa, grown as pure stands or as mixtures was studied in the years 1993–1995 in Puławy. Under the trial conditions, it has been shown that with respect to the total annual yield of dry matter the optimum date of the first harvest of mixed and pure swards coincides with the beginning of flowering of red clover and meadow fescue (date 4). Mixed swards of red clover and meadow fescue out yielded red clover grown as pure stand regardless of first cut date and sward age. Yields of meadow fescue equalled those of the mixture. The mixtures showed superior performance with respect to dry matter yield from the first cut and leaf area index (LAI) especially in intitial growth stages (dates 1 and 2). There were no differences in productivity between the di- and tetraploid red clover cultivars, both in the monocultures and the mixed swards with meadow fescue.
Biuletyn IHAR 2003 225 Gaweł Eliza, Janusz Żurek Nutritional value of selected lucerne cultivars
The impact of the first cutting date on quality indicators of the Polish hybrid lucerne cv. Kometa of the hay type, French lucerne cv. Luzelle pasture type and the multifoliate cv. Legend originating from the USA was studied in 1998–2000. The first cut of lucerne was done on four dates: 1st date - stand 30 cm high (vegetative stage), the other three dates in weekly intervals. Lucerneherbage was analyzed for mineral composition, crude fiber content, fiber content stems, dry mass, energy and protein values. The subsequent harvests were made following 35 days of regrowth. The data indicate that the date of the first cut is of decisive importance with respect to the effect on chemical composition, energy and protein value of lucerne forage. Delayed first harvest dates i.e. at full budding and at the end of budding the lucerne herbage resulted an increase of dry matter content as well as contents of crude fiber, NDF, ADF, cellulose, ADL and organic matter. The percentage of leaves in the total herbage and total N content decreased. There was also a decrease in the digestibility of organic matter, in energy value and in protein value of lucerne forage. The Polish lucerne cultivar Kometa was the best performer with respect to chemical composition. It also showed the lowest NDF fraction content of the whole plants and the lowest lignin content of stems and a slightly higher energy concentration.
Biuletyn IHAR 2003 225 Żurek Janusz, Eliza Gaweł Rumen effective dry matter degradation of lucerne depending on harvest data of the first cut
The aim of study was to compare effective dry matter degradation (EWRdm) and rumen degradability of three lucerne cultivars: domestic Kometa, French Luzelle and American Legend. Field experiment was carried out at the Agricultural Experimental Station IUNG GrabĂłw in 1999–2000. The plant materials from the first cutting, collected in different development stage were evaluated with “in sacco” method. Lucerne Kometa cv. showed the maximum value of effective dry matter degradation (EWRdm) and highest rumen degradability. The delay of first cutting of lucerne plants, reduced EWRdm data. The quickest aging of lucerne occurred at budding period.
Biuletyn IHAR 2003 225 Borawska-Jarmułowicz Barbara Nutritive value of grass mixtures in a combined utilization for meadow (first cut) and pasture (second harvest) 
The studies were carried out in 1990–1992 in central Poland on two meadow sites: moderately wet — meadow trial and moderately dry — pasture trial. Two late meadow and pasture mixtures were evaluated. The aim of the study was to determine the nutritive value of these mixtures basing on total protein and crude fibre contents (g×kg-1DM) and the share of generative and vegetative shoots of separate grass cultivars in the forage crop of the first cut and second simulated grazing. It was found that nutritive value of mixtures varied significantly in the years of management. Nutritive value of meadow mixture in first season of evaluation was the highest, resulted from 44% share of Lolium perenne cv. Arka. Than, decreased with increasing share of Dactylis glomerata cv. Baza and Bromus inermis cv. Brudzyńska in the next two years. In pasture management, nutritional value of crop was good, mostly related to very high share (70%) of Lolium perenne cv. Arka and to some extend on Dactylis glomerata cv. Baza. The nutritional value of these mixtures depended on contribution of generative and vegetative shoots in dominated grass cultivars.
Biuletyn IHAR 2003 225 Kasperczyk Mirosław Usefulness of white clover (Trifolium repens) for management ofmountain pasture
The investigations were carried out in 1999–2001 on a mountain pasture managed by undersowing with white clover to assess the usefulness of two varieties and one ecotype of white clover for the pasture undersowing. Before undersowing the sward was damaged in 40–50% using rototiller. Clover seeds were sown at the rate of 5 kg×ha-1. The assessed elements included clover persistence in the sward and its effect on the yields of dry mass and crude protein. The ecotype became well established and was most persistent to grazing, whereas Podkowa cv. revealed the weakest persistence. In the third year, the share of ecotype in the sward yield reached 26–38% whereas Podkowa cv. constituted only 18–28%. Yields of dry mass and crude protein per unit area were generally positively correlated with clover share in the sward yield. However, a mean for three years does not reveal significant differences in dry mass yields among the tested forms of clover. The crude protein yield of mixed sward with ecotype was higher by 77–140 kg×ha-1 than that with varieties.
Biuletyn IHAR 2003 225 Dembek Romuald Response of grass mixtures with white clover cultivars to mineral and organic fertilization
The influence of white clover cultivars (Arta and Rawo) on yielding and quality of grass-clover swards fertilized only with mineral forms of PK and NPK as well as NPK mineral fertilizer supplemented with manure was studied in 1999–2001. Grass-clover swards were compared to grass sward. On shallow and strongly mineralized organogenic soils the restricting factor for both cultivars of white clover was the lack of rainfall. In favorable moisture conditions the percentage of clovers in the sward has exceeded its percentage in the sowing mixture. The mixture with the Arta cv. and with the Ravo cv. fertilized only with phosphorus and potassium yielded respectively by 0.65 and by 0.89 t×ha-1 higher than the grass mixtures. The grass-clover and grass mixtures fertilized additionally with ammonium nitrate (120 kg N×ha-1) and nitrate supplemented with manure (all together also 120 kg N·ha-1) yielded better than that fertilized with phosphorus and potassium. Because of the manure, the grass sward in which white clover has spontaneously emerged, yielded slightly higher than mixture with Arta culivar. The weighted averages of crude protein content of grass-clover sward fertilized with phosphorus and potassium slightly differed and were from 194 g×kg-1 in the mixture with Rawo cv. to 201 g×kg-1 in the mixture with cv. Arta. However the mixture with cv. Rawo provided higher yields of crude protein for all combinations of fertilization. The higher percentage of clover in swards and slightly higher yields indicate that the Rawo cultivar should be used in mixtures in the studied soil and climate conditions.
Biuletyn IHAR 2003 225 Grynia Maria, Anna Kryszak Plant communities of meadows and pastures in phytosociological classification system
Investigations carried out during the last 50 years showed considerable syntaxonomic variability of meadows and pastures. In the class of Molinio-Arrhenatheretea, 29 basic units association were distinguished by Matuszkiewicz (2001) and when sub-associations, variants and other plant communities were included, this number increased by about 50%. The presented study reviews results of long-term investigations covering the period from 1955–2001 carried out at the Department of Grassland Sciences of Agricultural University in Poznań as well as papers published in other grassland centres in Poland. The total of over 10 thousand floristic surveys taken according to Braun-Blanquet’s method as well as tabular lists of other authors from Poland were used to prepare this review. In addition, the study compared changes, which took place in the phytosociological classification system (Matuszkiewicz, 2001) in the current classes of Phragmitetea and Molinio-Arrhenatheretea. The latter system did not take into consideration publications and results of experiments of various Grassland Departments of Agricultural Universities in Poland making it less reliable. In this situation, it seems advisable to tidy up the existing system of meadow communities by inserting into it, apart from associations, also lower systematic units including sub-associations and variants at the level of communities or even degradation forms as this may be important not only for research (meadow floristic impoverishment) but also for agricultural practice (yield size and quality) and environment protection.
Biuletyn IHAR 2003 225 Kochanowska-Bukowska Zofia The introduction to evaluate usefulness of some kinds of grasses for mixtures with Medicago sativa Legend for alternating cuttings. Short communication  
A field research has been conduced on mixtures of grasses with the multifoliate alfalfa Medicago sativa cv. Legend and on congeneric sowings of Medicago sativa used three and five times per season. The research was conducted on fawn soil classified as a good rye complex. 120 kg N, 50 kg P, 100 kg K×ha-1 were used per year. Botanic compositions of the mixtures and yields of dry mass were estimated at harvested. The compositions of harvested mixtures were considerably different from their original composition. The quantity of papilionaceous plants in all the mixtures decreased and depended on the frequency of mowing. In the case when mixtures were mown three times per year it fluctuated between 31.3 (mixture with Festulolium) and 16.9% (mixture with Lolium multiflorum). The increased frequency of mowing (5 times) caused increase in the quantity of Medicago sativa only in the case of mixture with Bromus inermis (45.5%). In the rest of mixtures intensive cutting caused decrease in the quantity of Medicago sativa. The least quantity of papilionaceous plants was noticed in the yield of the mixture with Lolium multiflorum. The highest yield of dry mass was achieved in the conditions when cutting took place three times a year. The best yield was achieved, in both systems of cutting, using a mixture containing Bromus inermis and Festulolium. In the case when plants were cut three times, the poorest yield resulted when Dactylis glomerata and Arrhenatherum elatius were in the mixtures, however, when cutting five times a year, the yields of Medicago sativa and the mixture containing Arrhenatherum elatius were significantly lower than the yields of the other
Biuletyn IHAR 2003 225 Olszewska Marzenna Influence of water stress on intensity of photosynthesis, chlorophyll content and yielding of Dactylis glomerata L. cultivars. Short communication 
Two cocksfoot cultivars: Areda and Dala were examined in a greenhouse pot experiment at two soil moisture levels: 40% of field water capacity. During the growing period intensity of photosynthesis was measured with the Li-Cor 6400 device for measuring gas- exchange parameters. Content of chlorophyll was measured with the Minolta chlorophyll meter. Soil moisture had significant influence on intensity of photosynthesis, content of chlorophyll, and in consequence on yielding. Lower moisture of soil caused significant decrease of yield. The tetraploid cultivar Dala yielded significantly higher than the diploid Areda. Content of chlorophyll in leaves also depended on soil moisture, higher values were recorded for plants in conditions of water stress. The photosynthesis proceeded better at higher moisture of soil, water stress caused decrease of photosynthesis, in the cv. Dala by 47%, in the cv. Areda by ca. 42%.
Biuletyn IHAR 2003 225 Prończuk Maria, Maciej Prończuk, Zbigniew Laudański, Sławomir Prończuk Comparison of species and cultivars of Festuca spp. in many-years of turf maintenance
Thirty cultivars and selections of Festuca spp., originated from Poland and from UE were tested under medium intensive turf maintenance during 1993–1998 in RadzikĂłw (centre Poland). The objective of study was to assess the variability among species and cultivars of Festuca for the turf characters. Species and subspecies of Festuca such as: F. rubra L.ssp. rubra Hack. (4 cv.), F. rubra L.ssp. trichophylla Gaud. (3 cv.), F. rubra L. ssp. commutata Gaud (8 cv.), F. heterophylla Lam. (1 cv.), F. ovina spp. (7 cv.) i F. arundinacea Schreb. (7cv.) were compared. The following turf characters were evaluated: aesthetic aspect, density of turf, slow re-growth, leaf fineness, over-wintering, winter-greenness and tolerance to disease: snow mould (Microdochium nivale), pink patch (Limonomyces roseipellis), leaf spot (Drechslera spp.) and blister smut (Entyloma dactylidis). Significant differences among species and cultivars were found for the tested characters. The value of cultivar characters was changed in seasons and years which made the evaluation of their quality difficult. Cluster analysis (k-means method) divided cultivars into three homogenous groups in respect to their aesthetic aspect. Based on this division, the other characters of cultivars were described. Cultivars of F. rubra ssp. commutata, F. rubra ssp. trichophylla and F. ovina ssp. duriuscula showed the best value in many characters. F. rubra ssp. rubra and F. arundinacea were located in a group with a medium level of quality. F. ovina spp. and forage type cultivars of F. arundinacea showed the worst turf value. It was confirmed that grass diseases reduce the quality of cultivars characters and were the one of the factors influencing their variability. Snow mould was the main disease of turf. Cultivars of F. arundinacea and F. rubra ssp. rubra were the most susceptible to this disease. Some cultivars of F. rubra ssp. commutata, F. ovina ssp. duriuscula and F. rubra ssp. trichophylla demonstrated a high level of tolerance to snow mould.
Biuletyn IHAR 2003 225 Jankowski Kazimierz, Joanna Jodełka, Grażyna Anna Ciepiela, Roman Kolczarek Evaluation of turf grasses in extensive lawn maintenance
Nine monocultures of turff grasses were evaluated in the experiment carried out in 1996–2001. The following species and cultivars were included: Festuca heterophylla (Sawa); Festuca rubra (Leo, Jagna); Lolium perenne (Inka, Niga, Nira); Agrostis tenuis (Igeka, Niwa) and Agrostis canina (Nina). The experiment was installed in agreement with common method. The evaluation of lawn was done with 9-points scale by Prończuk (1993) method. Obtained results showed that the most profitable for extensive lawn maintenance were Agrostis tenuis (Niwa, Igeka), Agrostis canina (Nina) and Festuca heterophylla (Sawa). These species and cultivars had the highest useful value too and could be recommend for lawns extensively maintained.
Biuletyn IHAR 2003 225 Prończuk Sławomir, Maria Prończuk Variability of turf characters of Poa pratensis L. cultivars under medium intensive turf maintenance      
Twenty cultivars of Poa pratensis, including 5 strains originated from Poland, EU, and Canada were tested under medium intensive turf maintenance during 1999–2001 in RadzikĂłw (central Poland). Turf characters such as: overwintering, general aesthetic aspect, density of sward, slow regrowth, fineness of leaf, wintergreeness, colour, resistant to melting out (Drechslera poae), and yellow rust (Puccinia striiformis) were evaluated. Mean aesthetic aspect, and turf quality index were calculated. Both, evaluated and calculated characters were divided in two groups: main (4 characters) and particular (13 characters). The variability of cultivar characters in seasons and years, and relationship between characters were analysed. Significant differences among cultivars for tested characters were found. Polish cultivars were located in good group according to the main characters such as: overwintering, mean aesthetic aspect, turf quality, and wintergreeness. They also showed a good level of resistance to melting out but were susceptible to yellow rust. Among tested cultivars Barcelona, and Bartitia performed the best in many characters. Breeding strains didn’t exhibit new turf values. The great variability was found in cultivar characters in seasons and years of turf maintenance. Characters such as overwintering, wintergreeness, and disease resistance showed the highest variability among cultivars with range from 0 to 47%. The significant relationship between the general aesthetic aspect and many particular characters was found. These results confirmed that aesthetic aspect is the most important character in turf cultivars evaluation.
Biuletyn IHAR 2003 225 Stawicka Jolanta Grasses and leguminous plants on urban street lawns (an example ofWarsaw and Płock)
The research was conducted in 1996–1997 on 20 street lawns in Warsaw and 21 street lawns in Płock. The objective of research was to analyse and to compare the floristic composition of lawns in the both cities. On an average, 103 species were found in Warsaw and 80 in Płock on the examined surfaces. The sodding extent evaluation was similar for Warsaw and Płock, and it amounted ca. 92%. The level of grasses partition in the turf cover amounted to 23,5% in Warsaw and 23,2% in Płock. For leguminous plants, the share in Warsaw’s lawn turf amounted to 17,5%, in Płock 22,5%. The turf of lawns in the both cities was made mainly by local species — apophytes. Among grasses, in the both cities they stated average 87%, in the leguminuos group — 92%. The most frequent leguminous and grass species of lawns sward were: white clover Trifolium repens, perennial ryegrass Lolium perenne, red clover Trifolium pratense, black medic Medicago lupulina, red fescue Festuca rubra, couch-grass Agropyron repens. Perennial forms — hemicryptophytes composed 68% of the turf cover among grasses, while among leguminuos plants — 83%. The turf of street lawns was formed mainly by taxons from anthropogenic meadow and pasture systems (Molinio-Arrhenatheretea) in the both aglomerations.
Biuletyn IHAR 2003 225 Czarnecki Zbigniew, Wanda Harkot Regrowth rate evaluation of lawn varieties of Lolium perenne L.  
Investigations were performed in 1996–1999 at Didactic and Research Station of Grasslands Department, Agriculture University, Lublin. The experimental design was randomized blocks with four replications and was performed on light mineral soil. Registered Polish Lolium perenne L. varieties Gazon, Inka, Niga, Nira and Stadion were tested. Mineral fertilization was the same on every object. During vegetation, in year of full performance, 23–26 cuts to 4 cm height were made. The intensity of varieties re-growth was evaluated on a basis of the above ground parts of plants before each cutting (5 measurements along the plot diagonal). Results revealed that Stadion and Inka cv. were distinguished with slower re-growth rate than Gazon and Niga cv.
Biuletyn IHAR 2003 225 Grabowski Kazimierz, Stefan Grzegorczyk, Henryk Kwietniewski The evaluation of usefulness of grass species and varieties for recreational lawns in the Masurian Lakeland conditions
In this paper we have shown the results of 3-years experiments on usefulness of some species, varieties and mixtures of grasses for recreational lawns in Masurian Lakeland conditions. The following characters were estimated in 9° scale: winter hardiness, turf compactness, colour, leaf softness and general aspect of lawns. Among different variants the most useful mixtures for sowing on recreational lawns were those designed in the Department of Grassland and some imported commercial mixtures.
Biuletyn IHAR 2003 225 Martyniak Danuta, Prończuk Sławomir Evaluation of cultivars and strains of chewings and strong creeping sub-species Festuca rubra L. with application of a synthetic index    
Results of two independent field experiments, conducted in 1997–1999, were a base for estimation of turfgrass quality and seed yield of 26 cultivars and strains of chewings and strong creeping sub-species of red fescue. The traditional criteria evaluation were applied for general aesthetic aspect, turfgrass quality and seed yield, in relation to morphological and biological seed traits. Cultivars and strains were evaluated with a synthetic index of general economical value (WOG). The index was dependent on two main traits: general aesthetic aspect (OA) and seed yield (PN), and also on a coefficient of coincidence of seed value and turfgrass quality. The coefficient has been calculated as a PN/OA quotient, basing on average values of the experimental data. The results have shown that this index could be helpful in synthetic, one number expressed evaluation of general economical value of the cultivars and strains.
Biuletyn IHAR 2003 225 Stawiska Elwira, Sławomir Prończuk The changes of floristic composition in turfgrass mixtures depending on cultivar components of a mixture         
The aim of the study was to determine floristic changes in composition of species and cultivars mixtures during the first and the second year of turf maintenance. 12 cultivars of Lolium perenne L., Festuca rubra L. ssp. commutata Gaud, Festuca rubra L. ssp. rubra Huck. and Poa pratensis L. were tested in the mixtures. The following percentage ratio of species: L. perenne — 40%, F. rubra spp — 40% and P. pratensis — 20% were used for mixture. The tested cultivar was the only representative of its species, while each of the remaining species was represented by several cultivars. The samples of plants coming from the turf mixtures were collected in the fall of the sowing year, as well as in all the vegetation seasons in the next year of maintenance The botanical-weight analysis of samples was done and the changes in their floristic composition were determined. The preliminary study proved that the changes in floristic composition of turf significantly depended on a species and occasionally also on cultivar components used in the mixtures. During the period of two years of turf maintenance Lolium perenne L. was the dominant species in the mixtures and its percentage ranged above the sowing norm, Festuca rubra L. occurred in turf on the sowing norm level, while Poa pratensis L. was classified below the sowing norm. In the second year of turf maintenance significant changes in the turf components were recorded. The share of L. perenne was decreased while those for F. rubra and P. pratensis were increased. There were also differences in cultivars ratio in turf mixtures observed in particular seasons of the year (spring, summer, autumn). The differences were significant for cultivars of Festuca rubra, and not significant for cultivars of Lolium perrenne and Poa pratensis.
Biuletyn IHAR 2003 225 Martyniak Danuta Turf performance of new cultivars of Poa pratensis L. bred in the Plant Breeding and Acclimatization Institute (IHAR)  
The evaluation of turf performance of 11 Poa pratensis L. cultivars (among them six new cultivars examined for DUS) was made in 1992–1997. Two series of trials were performed. Traditional criteria of evaluation of aesthetic aspect and turf performance were used. Agronomic value of new cultivars were equal to standard, some of them such as RA-1474 (Dresa), RA-1520 (Parkowa) and BA-130 (Bila) were better than registered ones. New released cultivars characterized with better sward compactness and  more appreciated dark green colour. Resistance to Dreschslera poae of some of the cultivars was lower.
Biuletyn IHAR 2003 225 Sawicki Bogusław Evaluation of commercial mixtures of lawn grasses under light soil conditions
Four mixtures of lawn grasses purchased on market were sown in 1994 on sandy soil under Polesie Lubelskie weather conditions. Two sowing rates were applied: 250 and 400 kg×ha-1. The experimental design randomized blocks with four replications on plots of 2 m2. Evaluations were performed according to the system elaborated in IHAR Radzików and COBORU in Słupia Wielka. Results of three year studies showed that the most durable and dense lawn sward was formed on plots sown with Lawn Seed mixture that contained the largest amounts of red fescue and sheep fescue. Ryegrass vanished from the sward at the second year after sowing. Besides that, no clear influence of higher sowing rate on lawn quality was observed.
Biuletyn IHAR 2003 225 Prończuk Maria, Sławomir Prończuk Yellow rust — new infection threat for Kentucky bluegrass grown for turf and seed in Poland
Yellow rust occurrence and its harmfulness to Poa pratensis grown for turf and seed were studied at RadzikĂłw (central Poland) in 1997–2001.Twenty cultivars originated from Poland and other countries of Europe and thirty five ecotypes collected from different places of Poland were evaluated in two experiments under middle intensive turf maintenance. Five cultivars were tested in seed production. The investigations revealed that yellow rust of Poa pratensis was caused by P. striiformis f. sp. poae because this pathogen did not infect other species of grass. The disease occurs in different periods of vegetation — from May to October. The late disease occurrence did not influence the useful characters of the cultivars. Early infection significantly limited the general performance, compactness and winter-greenness of the turf of cultivars and ecotypes. Yellow rust appeared to be a dangerous pathogen for Poa pratensis grown for seed. It has been established that damages by P. striiformis in autumn substantially limited plant heading and negatively influenced uniformity of flowering in the next year, which significantly decreased the seed yield. Cultivars and ecotypes expressed a wide range of susceptibility to P. striiformis. Low infection level was observed on the cultivars Bartitia, Miracle, Barcelona Barzan and on eight tested ecotypes.
Biuletyn IHAR 2003 225 Jodełka Joanna, Kazimierz Jankowski, Grażyna Anna Ciepiela The allelopathic influence of hawkweed (Hieracium pilosella L.) on initial growth of meadow grass (Lolium perenne L.) and red fescue Festuca rubra L.)        
This experiment was carried out in the autumn of 2000 in laboratory condition. The aim of this work was to estimate allelopathic potential of Hieracium pilosella on early development of turf grass grains (Lolium perenne, Festuca rubra). The effect varies concentration of Hieracium pilosella plant and rhizosphere soil extracts on energy and capacity of germination and on the seedling length of grasses was evaluated. The obtained results showed that the energy and capacity of germination for both grasses decreased proportionally to increasing concentration of extracts used, whereas the rhizosphere soil extracts influenced positively seedling length of Lolium perenne.
Biuletyn IHAR 2003 225 Patrzałek Anna The importance of grass species and cultivars in the development of turfing process on reclaimed land  
After many years of research, both in field and laboratory conditions, the importance of sowing various grass species and varieties, as well as mineral fertilization applied has been assessed for the turfing process in initial soils made of Carboniferous waste. The growth and development of grass species of short duration, sown in mixtures, and the accumulation of biomass intensified by mineral fertilizing characterized the first phase of turfing process. The second phase of the process was characterized by yielding of those species, loosening of turf, and settlement of Calamagrostis epigeios in ground cover, with roots reaching to layers under 30 cm. Settlement of trees from seeds blown-in by the wind, and the resulted shading caused recession of Calamagrostis epigeios. The turf level has not increased, which is characteristic for the stage three of the turfing process. The turfing process has been described on the basis of examining the changes in floral composition of plant communities formed of grass types sown, the size of overground biomass produced, as well as chemical and biological changes in initial soil.
Biuletyn IHAR 2003 225 Kitczak Teodor, Henryk Czyż, Maria Trzaskoś, Andrzej Gos The durability of sod according to the way of management of ash-slag pile 
The furnace waste, stored on the coal power plant piles are characterized by specific physical-chemical qualities, alkaline reaction and lack of nitrogen. In such specific conditions not many plants grow and effectively cover the waste pile protecting it against excessive dusting. The investigation was carried out on the waste pile of Power Plant “Dolna Odra” in Nowe Czarnowo. The applied in 1992 sod formation methods by digging humus into the ground together with sowing, and laying ready made sod, were evaluated in years 1997–2001. Bath methods ensured the right compactness of sward, protecting the waste pile against dusting. Species which display the highest durability in the composition of formed plant communities were as follows: Festuca rubra, Poa pratensis, Trifolium repens, Taraxacum officinale and Achillea millefolium. The sward created by the method of digging humus into the ground together with sowing, were characterized by a higher compactness, higher participation of species sown and papilionaceous plants.
Biuletyn IHAR 2003 225 Łyszczarz Roman, Włodzimierz Majtkowski, Romuald Dembek, Grzegorz Żurek Growth and development of selected grass and papilionaceous species sown in mixtures on river dam   
In 1999 on dike of Odra river near RacibĂłrz three mixtures composed from seed of grasses and papilionaceous varieties available on seed market were sown. The main criterion for mixture composition was observation of species grown on similar sites. The significant effect of mixture composition on its development and ground cover in following years was observed. Lolium perenne was the species that developed faster and better during the first year after sowing. From the second year of experiment its share in sward decreased to 9–2% depending on mixture type. Places initially occupied by Lolium perenne were covered mostly by Festuca rubra. At the third year of experiment its share in ground cover reached almost half on the plots sown with mixtures dominated with of short grasses. Among the other components, very good development of Arrhenatherum elatius, Trifolium repens and Medicago lupulina was observed during two initial years of experiment. At the third year Festuca rubra and Festuca arundinacea as well as Bromus inermis developed quite well. The development of the particular species was affected with the distance from the dike base. At the lower part of dike Lolium perenne together with tall grass species dominated. Up to the top of dam those species were replaced by Festuca rubra and Trifolium repens.
Biuletyn IHAR 2003 225 Żurek Grzegorz, Romuald Dembek, Włodzimierz Majtkowski, Roman Łyszczarz, Jacek Ajdukiewicz Effect of geonet on the development of grasses and papilionaceus mixtures on river dike        
Experiment was designed to examine the suitability of geonet for protection of river dike from erosion and to examine the effect of geonet on newly sown grass mixtures. Sowing of the experiment was done at the beginning of December 1999 on Odra river dike near RacibĂłrz. Three types of grass-papilionaceous mixtures were sown on plots (3,5 m x 7 m) with and without geonet (control) with 3 replications. Following types of mixtures were used: multi — species, with dominance of tall grasses (185,4 kg/ha), multi - species, with dominance of small grasses (142,5 kg/ha) and turf-type (163,2 kg/ha) with dominance of perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.). Seeds were sown by hand and geonet was fastened with metal pins. No additional fertilisation or herbicide treatment was applied. Cutting was performed no more than twice a year. Statistical analysis of two year results did not show significant difference between control and plots covered with geonet for sward density, percentage of grasses and papilionaceous species in sward. The visible advantage of geonet was the protection against small animals digging holes in dam (moles, field-volves etc.) as well as reduction of deep-rooting weeds infestation. Both advantages are of high significance in case of stability of whole dike construction.
Biuletyn IHAR 2003 225 Majtkowska Gabriela, Włodzimierz Majtkowski Observations on the development of C4 grass species in Poland. Short communication   
The aim of studies on perennial C4 grass species — Andropogon gerardi, Miscanthus sinensis, Panicum virgatum and Sorghastrum nutans was to determine the range of variability of morphological and phenological traits under climatic conditions of Central Poland. Results of the preliminary evaluation indicated wide range of variation of traits examinated during 2001. It should be noted that plants of Andropogon gerardi ecotype no. 373/98 reached 270 cm of height and were much taller than plants of other varieties of this species received from US genebanks (height of varieties ranged from 205 to 230 cm). The differentiation of plant height of  varieties of Panicum virgatum and Sorghastrum nutans covered the range of 153 to 225 cm. All North-American species examined produced seeds, collected in October. Observation taken on 9 hybrid strains of Miscanthus sinensis indicated that the majority of plants (65%) were at vegetative or heading phase while rest of plants produced inflorescence. Only few plants from strait no. 3 produced seeds. Plants of this strain were the highest (to 270 cm) among all Miscanthus sinensis plants examined.
Biuletyn IHAR 2003 225 Urbański Piotr, Agnieszka Wilkaniec Vegetative propagation of ornamental grass species of the Sesleria genus   
Research conducted in the years 1999–2001 had an objective to compare the following three methods of vegetative reproduction of ornamental species of Sesleria: 1) traditional division — division of a maternal plant into 3 to 5 parts, without depriving the plant of its ornamental value, planted directly into the soil; 2) intensive division I — division of a maternal plant into parts of 1 to 3-shoots, planted directly into the soil; 3) intensive division II — division of a maternal plant into parts of 1 to 3-shoots, grown for the first two weeks in the peat substrate in a glasshouse and then transferred into the soil. The conducted research has proven that grasses used in the experiments with the employment of intensive division do not match the plants from traditional division in terms of size. However, a large number of offspring plants obtained from a single maternal plant may contribute to the popularization and more ready availability of decorative grasses, as well as to the extension of their implementation.
Biuletyn IHAR 2003 225 Łyszczarz Jadwiga The vitality of Miscanthus sacchariflorus in a difficult habitat      
The recently preferred park type of reclamation of post-industrial waste lands makes it possible to use perennial species of grass, of ornamental type in the reclamation. Such grass types may make lasting and impressive compositions in the above land. The aim of the study was to assess the vitality of Miscanthus sacchariflorus in the seventh year of growth on a carboniferous waste dumping site.Analysis of height and number of generative shoots and length of inflorescences revealed a weakened vitality of the plants and limited possibilities for the miscant to spread in the difficult conditions of the habitat. With application of low and irregular fertilizing, the species survives, however, in the extreme conditions of the dumping site, maintains its decorative function, and meets the requirements imposed upon plants in the process of reclamation.
Biuletyn IHAR 2002 223/224 Kączkowski Jerzy New aspects of the cereal grain storage protein structure and functions based on wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) 
Because of the significant progress in investigations on the structure and properties of subunits participating in the formation of gluten complex — the main storage proteins deposited in grain endosperm, this review presents most important results obtained during the last decade in this area. The main topics referred concern the elastomeric properties of gluten proteins, contents and regularities of characteristic amino acid motifs of repetitive regions, responsible for the formation of left-turned β-helices, as well as the types and localisation of crossing bonds (disulfide, hydrogen, hydrophobic forces), which take part in complexing process to form the high-molecular-weight units. The trials to establish possible relations between the monomer units participating in the complexing and mechanical (rheological) properties and bread-making quality in laboratory bakings, were also described, though many difficulties in that area exist until now. The elucidated recently mechanism of prolamin toxicity against patients suffering from the genetic celiac disease, was also presented. Finally, the genetic engineering methods applied to the synthesis of individual prolamin subunits in the pure form, were presented, as the mostly important step to recognise their quality contribution, when included in vitro into gluten complex.
Biuletyn IHAR 2002 223/224 Grudkowska Małgorzata, Barbara Zagdańska Plant cysteine endoproteinases and their multiple physiological roles      
Cysteine endoproteinases are recognised as the major enzymes responsible for the initiation and subsequent massive hydrolysis of seed storage proteins during germination and early seedling growth and development. These enzymes are also involved in such important processes as organ senescence and xylogenesis. In response to unfavourable environmental conditions like low and high temperature, water deficit and salinity as well as to biotic stresses, the up-regulation of expression of genes encoding cysteine endoproteinases has been shown. Their supposed physiological function is not restricted to removal of denatured proteins, toxic in cases of pathogen infection or insect attack, abnormal proteins resulting from the stress-induced changes and to degradation of proteins no longer required by a cell in a new metabolic state. Another important function of these enzymes may be linked to activation of stress-induced non-specific proteins. On the basis of experiments carried out on 55 cultivars and strains of winter wheat and on ten cultivars of spring wheat it has been shown that the induction of cysteine endoproteinases was significantly correlated with the level of drought tolerance of spring and winter wheat as well as with the level of frost tolerance of winter wheat.
Biuletyn IHAR 2002 223/224 Grudkowska Małgorzata, Krzysztof Wiśniewski, Barbara Zagdańska Cysteine endoproteinases activity as an indicator of wheat resistance to frost and drought  
Frost resistance of seedlings of twenty cultivars and strains of winter wheat was significantly positively correlated with their dehydration tolerance (r = 0.862). Cysteine endoproteinase activity of control seedlings, non-acclimated to low temperature, was not correlated with the level of frost resistance (r = -0.0028). After 10 day acclimation period, cysteine endoproteinase activity in seedlings of frost resistant cultivars remained unchanged or even lowered, but increased in seedlings of susceptible cultivars and was significantly negatively correlated with the level of frost resistance (r = - 0.853). The experiments showed that the extent of cysteine endoproteinase induction reflects the level of resistance of winter wheat to frost and water deficiency in the seedling phase. The described procedure seems to be useful as a simple laboratory test for comparative estimation of the resistance level of breeding materials of winter wheat to the both most common abiotic stresses.
Biuletyn IHAR 2002 223/224 Kryszczuk Artur Cryopreservation — a modern method of long-term storage of plant material      
Cryopreservation is a method of storage of frozen biological material in a very low temperature, usually in liquid nitrogen (-196° C). The paper is a review of literature concerning cryopreservation of plant material from in vitro culture with regard to methods, conditions and possibility of application in gene banks. Results of cryopreservation of different plant species were compared.
Biuletyn IHAR 2002 223/224 Oleksiak Tadeusz Effects of winter wheat breeding Part I. Yield potential changes     
Many new high yielding wheat varieties with good grain quality appeared  recently on the Polish market. The effects of wheat breeding and their practical utilization were estimated. The estimation was conducted by the method of yield potential changing of varieties. As an effect of breeding, the average yield of wheat increased by 41 kg/ha per year, in the conditions of varietal tests carried out during the period of 1986–2001. Practical utilization of the plant breeding effects was lower. One of the main reasons of unsatisfied breeding influence on production was increasing dissonance between breeding effects and low seed supply of new varieties resulting from the lack of demand for seeds.
Biuletyn IHAR 2002 223/224 Węgrzyn Stanisław, Tadeusz Wojas, Tadeusz Śmiałowski Heritability and interrelationships of yield and certain agronomic traits in winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)  
Basing on the results of breeding trials with winter wheat strains the heritability and interrelationships of such traits as: grain yield, 1000 kernel weight, number of days from 1st May to heading, plant height and resistance to fungal diseases (powdery mildew, leaf rust, leaf and ear septorias). All the traits under study, except grain yield and resistance to leaf and ear septorias, showed high heritability coefficient, ranging from 0.78 to 0.94. For the last three mentioned traits this coefficient amounted from 0.43 to 0.56 (the lowest value refers to grain yield). Correlation coefficients, both phenotypic and genotypic, attained medium to low values, although in several cases they were statistically significant. Genotypic correlation values exceeded, as a rule, those of phenotypic correlation; that indicated at the dependence of phenotypic correlation on plant genotype. The highest positive correlations were shown for the following pairs of traits: resistance to leaf septoria and number of days to heading, resistance to leaf septoria and resistance to ear septoria, grain yield and 1000 kernel weight, resistance to ear septoria and plant height (the latter was disadvantageous to breeding). On the other hand, correlation between yield and number of days to heading was negative, i.e. earlier forms had higher grain yield.
Biuletyn IHAR 2002 223/224 Wojas Tadeusz, Magdalena Gut Interrelationships between preharvest sprouting and some agronomic traits in winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)    
Variability, heritability and phenotypic/genetic correlations of preharvest sprouting with certain agronomic traits (1000 kernel weight, plant height, heading and maturity date, resistance to four fungal diseases: powdery mildew, leaf rust, leaf and ear septoria) were analysed basing on the results of field trials carried out with 31 genotypes of winter wheat in one locality through three years (1999–2001). Preharvest sprouting showed very high variability, coefficients ranging from 20.6 to 53.9% depending on a year, but the mean resistance was low — 3.48, 3.66 and 6.17 respectively, in the 1–9 scale. The coefficient of heritability was high and scored 0.78. The obtained phenotypic and genetic correlations between preharvest sprouting resistance and the remained traits were low and insignificant, attaining a maximal value of 0.29 in case of date of heading. The resistance to preharvest sprouting tended to be unfavourably connected with the plant height, 1000 kernel weight, resistance to leaf rust and ear septoria.
Biuletyn IHAR 2002 223/224 Pilch Józef Bread-making quality of introgressive forms of winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)
Bred-making quality of grain of 76 winter introgressive lines derived from interspecific and intergeneric crosses of wheat T. aestivum L. with T. durum Desf. v. Mirable, Khapli Fuensemiduro, T. timopheevii Zhukov. v. 5013, 5030, Taush., and L. perenne L. v. Anna was investigated during three years.The lines were selected out of 1165 wide-hybrids on the basis of high protein content (%), sedimentation value (ml), falling number (s) and baking value of the classes E (Exclusive) and A (Qualitative) in the relation to variety Begra according to Klockiewicz-Kamińska i Brzeziński (1997). Retaining of very high values of the technological indicators which exceeded the quality check T. aestivum L. (the class E) point out the effects of the introgression of the genes of the genomes A and B of T. durum Desf,, T. timopheevii Zhukov., Ae. speltoides Taush., the genome G of T. timopheevii Zhukov. and the genome L of L. perenne L. The identified lines may in the future constitute the initial material for developing the genetic sources for the quality breeding of winter wheat.
Biuletyn IHAR 2002 223/224 Subda Hanna, Aneta Jarosławska, Anna Unton, Zofia Karolini-Skaradzińska The effect of selected chemical features of winter wheat flour on the quality of dough and bread 
Grain quality parameters were tested for nine winter wheat varieties: Gama, Almari, Begra, Roma, Wanda, Kaja, Korweta, Izolda, and Rysa. The grain was supplied by three Experimental Stations and came from harvests of 1997–1999. The wheat grain yielded 65.9% flour on an average. The varieties differed in their content of proteins (V = 7.4 to V = 87.1%), pentosans soluble (V = 14.7%), insoluble (V = 18.5%) and total (V = 14.8%). The wheat flour was characterized by low activity of proteolytic enzymes /2.0 unit/ and alpha-amylase (317 s) measured with the falling number, as well as by high sedimentation value /63 cm3/. Much wet gluten was obtained (34.8%) of 4 to 10 mm flowness. The quantity and quality of gluten, as well as the sedimentation value depended on the content of proteins. The initial and terminal temperatures of starch gelatinization were high (78.2° C and 91.0° C, respectively) and the gelatinization time was long (44.0 min). Flour pastes were characterized by low peak viscosity (286 UB) and low viscosity after having been kept at 95° C (304 UB), but much higher one after having been cooled down to 50° C (482 UB). The wheat flour was characterized by high water absorbability (58,2–62,4%). Dough made of the flour had good rheologic properties having been significantly influenced by proteins and activity of alpha-amylase. Bread baked of the wheat flour was characterized by large volume 617 cm3 (100 g of flour) and overbake (48.8%), as well as by proper structure of crumb. The volume and overbake depended on the activity of proteolytic enzymes.
Biuletyn IHAR 2002 223/224 Chrząstek Maria Effect of added and substituted rye chromosomes (Secale cereale L.) on some quantitative features of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)
The observations and biometric measurements of addition lines, 1B/1R substitution line and initial forms have been done in order to examine the influence of rye chromosomes (cv. Dańkowskie Złote) on the phenotype and some components of yield structure of the hexaploid wheat cv. Grana. The number of days to heading, flag leaf size, length of main stem and ear, number and weight of kernels per head ear and per plant, 1000 kernels weight, density of ear and protein content in kernels were analyzed. The biggest morphological changes, relating mainly to ear, leaf and whole plants were observed for the 2R addition line. Both, addition and substitution of the 1R chromosome has significantly influenced stem shortening. Fertility of spikelet in all lines was significantly lower than in wheat. Most of the tested lines, in comparison with wheat, had lower 1000 kernel weight but higher percent of protein in kernels. The 3R and 6R lines differed from wheat more, with regard to majority of features, than the lines with added telocentric chromosomes 3RS and 6RL.