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Biuletyn IHAR | 2006 | 242 | Wyrzykowska Małgorzata, Stankiewicz Czesław | A multidimensional analysis of variability in agronomic traits for different forms of lucerne (Medicago sativa ssp. media). | The genetic lucerne forms included in the studies were characterized by: top-inflorescence, prolonged florescence, branched inflorescence or long clusters. The forms came from the collection maintained at the Department of Genetics, IHAR Radzików. The aim of the paper was to analyze 17 forms of lucerne for seed yielding and phenotypic characters, which were typical of the seed crop. The principal component analysis was applied. In order to divide the accessions into homogeneous groups in respect of the level of 11 traits, the hierarchical cluster analysis was applied (both with the k-mean and the Euclidean distance methods). The agglomeration of the lucerne forms into two distinct phenotypic groups was revealed. The most pronounced differences between the groups were found in the following traits: seed crop, number of seeds in one shoot average number of seeds from a cluster, and average number of seeds from a pod. The statistical characteristic of the distinguished groups was done. Based on the results, an ideotype of the form yielding at a level has been defined.
Biuletyn IHAR | 2006 | 242 | Marcinkowska Joanna, Kuczkowski Jarosław | Infection of some semi-leafless field pea cultivars by pathogens depending on plot density. | The influence of sowing density and row spacing on fungal and viral diseases development was studied on six semi-leafless field pea (Pisum sativum L.) cultivars. The experiments were carried out at the Experimental Station for Cultivar Testing in Kościelna Wieś (Wielkopolska region of central-western Poland) in the years 2001–2003. Intensity of the diseases was generally low, due to the weather conditions, particularly in the dry seasons of 2002 and 2003. The Perenospora viciae f.sp. pisi caused the most intense infection, compared with other diseases, and was present in all years of study. Development of downy mildew, caused by this fungus, was dependent on plot density, cultivar and growing season. Grey mold, caused by Botrytis cinerea, was recorded in the years 2001 and 2002. In the same seasons, the ascochyta blight occurred, caused by three species of fungi: Mycosphaerella (Didymella) pinodes, Ascochyta pisi and Phoma pinodella. Root rot caused mainly by Fusarium ssp. was observed in 2002 and 2003. The viral diseases occurred on peas only in the season of 2002.
Biuletyn IHAR | 2006 | 242 | Łuczkiewicz Tadeusz, Nawracała Jerzy, Strybe Małgorzata, Satkiewicz Karolina | Genetic analysis of several quantitative traits linked with regeneration of false flax (Camelina sativa L.) in in vitro tissue cultures. | Diallel crosses (Griffing’s type II) between six different genotypes of false flax (Camelina sativa L.) originated from European collections were done. Explants (hypocotyl-cotyledon parts) from F1 hybrids and parental plants were placed on induction medium (MS + 1 mg/l BAP). After 8 weeks of the in vitro culture maintenance, a number of shoots regenerated from each explant, number of leaves per explant, length of shoots as well as weight of callus and of the regenerated parts of plant were determined. It was found that the shoots regenerated by indirect organogenesis process. From one explant 2.8–5.8 shoots were regenerated. The highest number of shoots were obtained with hybrid plants of the line 4 x line 13 cross. The longest shoots (4.3 cm) were regenerated from the explants of line 15. Analysis of general combining ability showed that line 15 affected in hybrid plants the increase in length of regenerated shoots, line 13 — the increase in number of leaves on shoots, and line 9 — the decrease in weight of callus and of the regenerated parts of plant. Heritability both in broad and narrow sense was very low: 0.57 and 0.04 for the length of shoots, and 0.38 and 0.15 for the number of leaves per shoot, respectively. Effects of domination were found to be significant for the length of shoots.
Biuletyn IHAR | 2006 | 242 | Martyniak Danuta | The reaction of cultivars of Festuca rubra L. to different sowing rates in cultivation for seed and for turf. | The purpose of the work was determination of optimal density of plants and proper sowing rates of red fescue, on the basis of thousand seed weight (TSW), in cultivation for seed and for turf. In two experiments, conducted in the seasons of 2002–2004, the influence was studied of planting density on tillering and other characters determining seed yield and turf quality. The material consisted of four turf cultivars with different TSW. Three rates of sowing were applied: W1 — maximal, close to that used in practice, W2 — average (500 seeds per m2) and W3 — minimal, 250 seeds per m2. For seed yield, the best was the W2 density and for creeping forms even the W3. At the most loose sowing higher seed yield was obtained due to better tillering (up to 30 shoots per plant) and higher TSW. For turf establishment, sowing can be decreased up to 50 kg/ha (three- or fourfold), especially for chewing forms of red fescue. It should be considered, that turf compactness can be lower in the first season, but much better in the following years.
Biuletyn IHAR | 2006 | 242 | Wiewióra Barbara, Prończuk Maria | Comparison of aniline blue staining and immunoblotting methods for detecting endophytic fungi in grass seeds. | The objective of the study was to compare the efficiency of and the input of labour and money in aniline blue staining and immunoblotting assays used to identify endophytic fungi infesting grass seed. Seeds of 17 cultivars, strains and ecotypes of meadow fescue (Festuca pratensis L.), red fescue (F. rubra L.), perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.) and tufted hairgrass (Deschampsia caespitosa (L.) P. Beauv.) were tested. Detectability of endophytes using the two methods was comparable. However, the aniline blue staining was found to be a very laborious and time-consuming method. Moreover, great experience of the researcher is needed to recognize the endophyte mycelium under the microscope. Furthermore, the method requires additional laboratory equipment to protect the staff against the harmful effects of some reagents. The immunoblotting method is comparatively more expensive, but it is evidently easier and less labour- and time-consuming.
Biuletyn IHAR | 2006 | 242 | Wiewióra Barbara, Prończuk Maria, Ostrowska Anna | The infestation of seed of grasses by endophytes in successive years of harvesting. | The objective of the study was to determine rates of spread of seed infestation by endophytic fungi in Festuca pratensis L. cv. Justa and Lolium perenne L. cv. Vigor in three successive years of plantation utilization. The seeds used for sowing were infected by endophytes in about 90%. To detect Neotyphodium mycelium under the microscope, the seeds were stained with aniline blue. In the first-year harvest, the seeds were found to be infested in 75–80%. In the subsequent years, the proportions of infested seeds increased up to 93% in F. pratensis cv. Justa and L. perenne cv. Vigor alike.
Biuletyn IHAR | 2006 | 242 | Stankiewicz-Kosyl Marta, Pitera Emilian, Gawroński Stanisław | The usefulness of a QTL marker in breeding for apple powdery mildew resistance. | Scab and powdery mildew, caused by Venturia inaequalis (Cke.) Wint. and Podosphaera leucotricha (Ellis et Ev.) Salm. respectively, are the most important apple diseases. The apple clone U 211 is resistant to scab and highly resistant to powdery mildew in field conditions. The QTL U 7, one of the quantitative trait loci in the clone U 211, is responsible for 48–72% of the phenotypic variation, and its effect is stable over years. It was identified in the progeny Idared x U 211. The aim of this study was to assess effectiveness of U 7 marker for marker-assisted selection (MAS). Powdery mildew resistance was evaluated visually in a seedling population Granny Smith x U 211 for two years in the nursery, and one year in the orchard using a 0–5 scale. Selection based on the SSR marker NZ28f04 allowed to eliminate 33–72% of plants from class 3 (nursery and orchard), and 100% of plants from class 4 (orchard). The efficiency of selection depended on the year. In the progeny Granny Smith x U 211 neither of the individuals grown in the nursery was classified in class 4 or 5 in the 2- year period of investigations. Twenty-two individuals from the progeny were planted in the orchard. In the following year some of them were classified in class 4. Neither of these plants possessed the NZ28f04 allele, associated with the higher level of resistance to powdery mildew.
Biuletyn IHAR | 2006 | 240/241 | Drzazga Tadeusz, Krajewski Paweł | Dependence of yield on some agronomic traits in wheat breeding experiments. | The paper describes results of analysis of correlations between grain yield of winter wheat and the following traits: winterhardiness, earliness, plant height, lodging, 1000 grain weight and resistance to main pathogens, obtained from the series of pre-registration trials conducted in the years 1991–2004. The most significant correlation with yield, which has increased over the years, was discovered for winterhardiness. It was noted that significant correlation of yield and winterhardiness is often linked with high contribution of the locality to the total genotype by environment interaction. The effect of lodging and resistance to leaf septoria on yield was also substantial, while that of the other pathogens was insignificant. Negative correlations with yield were observed only for the number of days to heading. The conclusions given in the paper are relevant for choosing selection strategies directed to breeding genotypes with better agricultural value.
Biuletyn IHAR | 2006 | 240/241 | Mądry Wiesław, Talbot Mike, Ukalski Krzysztof, Drzazga Tadeusz, Iwańska Marzena | Theoretical basis of importance of genotypic and interaction effects in plant breeding on an example of winter wheat. | Some basic theoretical problems and results of experimental studies on importance and exploiting genotypic, genotype x environment (GE) interaction and location x years (LY) interaction effects are presented for a trait in crop breeding and evaluation programmers that are based on series of field trials (known as multi-environment trials, MET). Among GE interaction ones the following effects are defined: genotype x location (GL), genotype x year (GY) and genotype x location x year (GLY) effects. Importance of the mentioned effects can be determined by estimates of variance components of these effects using data obtained in a representative MET, repeated at several locations over a period of years. Theoretical considerations are enriched and illustrated by variance component estimates for grain yield of winter wheat obtained from both own and foreign experimental studies. It was shown that using yearly series of multi-location trials, GL interaction (it is the averaged over years GL interaction called repeatable or exploitable GL interaction) and then, response of genotypes to environments in locations, averaged over years, can not be evaluated accurately in a target region when effects of LY and/or GLY interactions are relatively substantial (variable). Additionally, in yearly series of variety trials differentiation and ranking of genotypic means, averaged over years and locations in a target region, can not be estimated accurately when occurring substantial effects of GY and/or GLY interactions. In various world’s regions and gene pools variance components of LY interaction effects for winter wheat grain yield had the largest contribution to the variability of this trait. Effects of GLY interaction were the most substantial among all GE interaction effects. Effects of LY and GLY interactions limited repeatability of yearly GL interaction effects over different years. Then, substantial effects of LY and GLY limit repeatability of yearly stability and adaptation of genotypes in a target region over years. Effects of genotype x location interaction were often less variable than genotypic and genotype x year interaction effects. The estimates of variance components for winter wheat grain yield in own studies were used to simulate values of some characteristics, like repeatability of genotype-phenotypic mean, standard error of genotype-phenotypic means and their differences at different numbers of locations, years and replicates in MET.
Biuletyn IHAR | 2006 | 240/241 | Weber Ryszard, Zalewski Dariusz | The effect of genotype-environment interaction on yielding of winter wheat. | Yields of eight cultivars of winter wheat were evaluated in post-registration (recommended list) trials in Lower Silesia in the years 2001-2003. The experiments were conducted in standard and intensive cropping systems at five locations differing in weather and soil conditions. Wheat cultivars Kris, Jawa and Kobra were the best yields in both systems. A low level of nitrogen fertilization and no treatment with fungicides resulted in low yields of cvs Zyta and Soraja in a standard cropping system. Discriminatory analysis revealed the influence of environmental conditions (locations) upon yield variation. The cultivars yielded significantly higher on highly fertile very good or good wheat complexes (soils suitable for growing wheat and rye) than on defective wheat complex or very good rye complex.
Biuletyn IHAR | 2006 | 240/241 | Śmiałowski Tadeusz, Nita Zygmunt, Witkowski Edward | Estimation of the interrelationships between different traits of winter wheat using the path analysis. | The aim of the work was to estimate variability, genetic differentiation and correlation between 19 traits in 112 strains of the winter wheat grown in 2004 in a preliminary trial in 7 localities. The estimation was performed both in the field and under laboratory conditions. The following traits were evaluated: grain yield, winter hardiness, earliness (days to heading), time to maturity (days), height of plants, canopy uniformity, weight of 1000 grains, sedimentation value, wet gluten and protein contents, as well as resistance to lodging and preharvest sprouting, and that to infection with: powdery mildew, brown rust, yellow rust, stem rust, leaf septoria, ear septoria and head blight (Fusarium culmorum). The coefficients of variability (CV) for the investigated traits varied from high for the value of sedimentation (29%) to low for the resistance to stem rust (1.7%) and for the time to maturity (2.5%). The coefficients of genetic differentiation (h2) were high for all the traits, except for the resistance to ear septoria. In most cases, the coefficients of correlation between the analysed traits were low. Statistically significant correlation between grain yield and the following traits: resistance to ear septoria (0.230*), gluten content (-0.232*), protein content (-0.239*), plants height (0.232*) and lodging (0.190*), was recorded. The path analysis was used to estimate interrelationships between grain yield and the following traits: winter hardiness, time to heading, time to maturity, plants height, weight of 1000 grains, resistance to preharvest sprouting, and resistance to leaf septoria. Statistically significant direct effects of plants height and winter wheat resistance to leaf septoria upon grain yield were found (0.393** in both cases). The effect of the time of maturity on grain yield was highly significant but negative (-0.371**). This surprising effect was masked by a relatively strong (0.244) indirect effect of leaves infestation by septoria. The coefficients of correlation between grain yield and protein and wet gluten contents were low (-0.232* and –0.239*, respectively). Highly significant direct relationships between the grain yield and both the protein content and the sedimentation value, were revealed (-0.341** and 0.336**, respectively), despite the low correlation between these traits.
Biuletyn IHAR | 2006 | 240/241 | Jankowski Paweł, Zieliński Andrzej, Mądry Wiesław | Analysis of genotype-environment interaction for winter wheat using graphical GGE biplot method. Part I. The method. | GGE biplot is a graphical method of analysis of the so-called GGE effects, i.e. main genotype effects combined with genotype-environment interaction effects. A suitably constructed graph consists of points (vectors) on a plane, some of them representing genotypes, the other environments. GGE effects are functions of vector lengths and angles between the vectors. Therefore, analysis of genotype-environment interactions is based on interpretation of geometrical and trigonometric properties of plane objects. In the paper the process of constructing GGE biplot was presented together with some examples of interpretation of the biplot (sorting GGE effects, searching for the genotype with maximum GGE effect in a fixed location, determining stable genotypes and the so called ideal genotype). The method has been illustrated by data concerning yield of four genotypes of winter wheat in one-year multi-environmental trials (7 locations).
Biuletyn IHAR | 2006 | 240/241 | Jankowski Paweł, Zieliński Andrzej, Mądry Wiesław | Analysis of genotype-environment interaction for winter wheat using graphical GGE biplot method. Part II. Groups of environments and stability of genotypes. | GGE biplot is a graphical method of analysis of the so-called GGE effects, i.e. main genotype effects combined with genotype-environment interaction effects. In the paper the GGE biplot method has been used in order to interpret the 2004 data for grain yield of the winter wheat variety trials in western Poland. First, a kind of the cluster analysis of tested environments has been presented. It led to an indication of the so-called multi-environments characterized by the similar genotype-environment interaction with all analyzed genotypes. Next, the method has been applied to the genotype stability analysis. Genotypes closest to the so-called ideal genotype defined as stable and with highest average yield in all environments have been found.
Biuletyn IHAR | 2006 | 240/241 | Segit Zbigniew, Szwed-Urbaś Krystyna | The estimation of qualitative traits of some durum wheat lines. | The analyzed material consisted of grain of 18 lines of T. durum, harvested in 2003 and 2004. The following physical and chemical properties of grain and flour have been estimated: 1000 grains weight, test weight, color of grain, grain vitreosity, ash and protein content, quantity of gluten, falling number. Color of the flour has been determined in samples of full grain grist sifted through the 230 sieve. The influence of cultivation year on the value of the analyzed traits has been stated. In 2004, majority of the tested lines had high protein content, with the average of 15.7% compared with 14.8% in 2003. Ash content was also higher — 1.86% in 2004; 1.73% in 2003. The amount of gluten ranged from 30% to 38% and the average was 34% in 2003 and 35% in 2004. The biggest differences between the years have been observed in the falling number (442 s — in the year 2003; 222 s — in the year 2004). The color of the flour depended also on the year of cultivation and on the tested line. The flour obtained from two tested lines had the color suitable for pasta production.
Biuletyn IHAR | 2006 | 240/241 | Gacek Edward, Behnke Marcin | Practical application of the biological progress in agriculture in conditions of the market economy. | The Research Centre for Cultivar Testing (COBORU) in Słupia Wielka has been adapting cultivar testing and assessments to the market-oriented economy and the EU norms and standards. Within these activities COBORU has developed a new nation-wide cultivar testing system, called post-registration cultivar testing (PDO). Program PDO is officially accepted (Seed Act, 2003) and presently implemented in all administrative units (Voivodeships) in Poland. The main aim of PDO is to provide agricultural community with objective and updated information about Value for cultivation and use (VCU) of cultivars of the agricultural plant species from the National Register of Cultivars (KR) and from Common Catalogue of Varieties of Agricultural Plant Species (CCA), which exist on seed market in Poland. PDO system is developed on the basis of COBORU experimental network (testing stations) and another experimental units existing in our country. COBORU is legally responsible for the coordination of all activities in this system in cooperation with Voivodeship Self-Governments and Agriculture Chambers. On the basis of the results of PDO trials “The lists of recommended cultivars for cultivation within territory of the voivodeship” are published. Within the structure of PDO, “The National PDO Coordinating Council” was appointed, as a consultative body of COBORU Director General for PDO affairs. “PDO Coordinating Stations” were designated and “The Voivodeship PDO Councils” were nominated in each voivodeship. These bodies are responsible for PDO conducting on the territories of voivodeships. Benefits from the PDO: more effective use of the biological progress in agriculture and regular collecting of the reliable data on cultivars performance under different growing conditions, easier choosing by farmers the most suitable varieties for their farming conditions, both from KR and/or from CCA.
Biuletyn IHAR | 2006 | 240/241 | Lisowska Marzena | Correlations between yield related characters of some forms of spring barley (Hordeum vulgare L.). | Three forms of spring barley (Hordeum vulgare L.): the six-rowed mutant of two-rowed Damazy variety, which was obtained after irradiating dry seeds by thermal neutrons, the six-rowed Klimek variety and the two-rowed Rataj variety were used as an experimental material. The equations of multiple regressions for grain yield per plant were calculated. The path analyses of the revealed correlations were carried out using Wright’s method. In order to state more precisely the effect of different features on the main character, the features were grouped as vegetative and generative ones, taking into account the order of their appearance during the ontogenesis. Of the vegetative characters, productive tillering most affected the grain yield variation. In the mutant, the character was also determined by total tillering and in the Rataj variety by thickness of the second internode and straw weight. Of the generative characters, number of grains per plant and thousand grain weight remarkably influenced grain yield in all tested biotypes.
Biuletyn IHAR | 2006 | 240/241 | Nadziak Jadwiga, Biliński Zdzisław R. | Variability of traits in winter barley cultivars collected in the Gene Bank. | Variability of agronomic traits of winter barley cultivars maintained in the Gene Bank was evaluated. The following observations and measurements were performed: winter hardiness of plants, reaction to the main diseases and lodging, plants height, length and weight of spike, number of kernels per spike, 1000 kernels weight and partial resistance to powdery mildew. Significant differences between the cultivars in respect to the traits analyzed were found. The results of analysis allow to select winter barley genotypes showing valuable agronomic traits, and to include these genotypes into breeding programs.
Biuletyn IHAR | 2006 | 240/241 | Rybiński Wojciech, Adamska Elżbieta | Characteristics of hull-less spring barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) mutants with respect to variability of some quantitative traits. | Some of the mutants obtained by treatment of grains of hull-less spring barley breeding line 1N/86 with two chemomutagens (MNU and SA) were characterized by the shorter straw and increased resistance to lodging as compared to their initial form. Eighteen mutants and the line 1N/86 were evaluated in the field trial performed at the Experimental Station in Cerekwica. After harvest, plant height and some characters of yield structure were examined and analyzed statistically. Plant height of the mutants ranged from 59.9 cm to 71.9 cm, and differed significantly from that of the line 1N/86 (77.1 cm on average). Yield components in the mutants were generally of lower value than those in the initial line, but the forms M 39 and M 142 were characterized both by the greater numbers of grains per spike and the higher weight of grains per plant, although the differences were not significant statistically. The results obtained with these mutants indicate that it is possible to select short-straw spring barley forms showing the improved resistance to lodging and the yielding potential at the level of their initial form at least. These mutants can be promising initial forms to be utilized in the breeding program for hull-less spring barley.
Biuletyn IHAR | 2006 | 240/241 | Ježíšková Ivana, Bednář Jan, Nevimová Hana, Wegscheiderová Ilasta | Using SSR markers for genetic diversity testing in barley genotypes with different sensitivity against Fusarium Head Blight. | Fusarium Head Blight (FHB) or scab is a devastating disease of cereals widely spread all over the world and is caused by members of the genus Fusarium (F. culmorum, F. graminearum, and other ones). The FHB infection of barley may result in lower yields and in the accumulation of dangerous secondary metabolites of fungi — mycotoxins in the kernels (e.g. deoxynivalenol, DON). The accumulated mycotoxins have a negative effect on the safety and technological quality of the grain. The objective of the study was to test 7 parental genotypes of spring barley (with a recognised resistance or susceptibility to FHB) with SSR markers (Simple Sequence Repeats). We tested the following parental genotypes: Chevron, Zao Zhou 3, PEC210, CI4196, 6NDRFG-1 (resistant genotypes), and PI383933 and Foster (susceptible genotypes). The results of the analyses will be used to test 22 DH lines, which were derived after crossing the tested parental genotypes (resistant x susceptible). By now, a total of 35 SSR markers of parental genotypes were tested out of the total number of 60 selected microsatellite markers; 29 of the tested SSR markers showed a polymorphous character in the parental genotypes. The remaining 6 ones were monomorphous and will not be used to test the DH lines. Partial results of the analyses were elaborated into the form of a binary matrix and transformed into the form of a dendrogram, which characterised genetic affinity of the tested genotypes.
Biuletyn IHAR | 2006 | 240/241 | Warzecha Tomasz, Góral Halina | Combining ability of cms lines, strains and cultivars of triticale for susceptibility to seedling blight caused by Fusarium culmorum. | The following triticale genotypes were examined for susceptibility to fusarium seedling blight: 4 male sterile lines, 5 male fertile genotypes and 20 F1 hybrids received from crosses between parental genotypes in factorial design. Grains of triticale were inoculated with isolate IPO 348-01 originated from Institute of Plant Protection, Wageningen. Single isolates of Fusarium culmorum were cultivated on the PDA medium (Potato Dextrose Agar-Sigma) on Petri dishes. The inoculated grains were incubated for 7 days at 22oC. The hybrids showed average lower leaf infection score and similar root infection score in relation to the parents. Significant correlation coefficient between leaf infection score of hybrids and GCA of parents was proved, it gives opportunity to select parental components towards higher resistance on the GCA base. Seedling infection was more dependant on SCA of parental couples then on GCA of the parents. Correlation coefficients between leaf and root infection of hybrids and SCA effects of parental couples were positive and significant (respectively r=0,642** and 0,881**). The received results indicated out that resistance level of hybrids to F. culmorum was also dependant on nonadditive gene effects and prediction based only on GCA of parents could be not reliable enough.
Biuletyn IHAR | 2006 | 240/241 | Vyhnánek Tomáš, Bednář Jan, Kadłubiec Władysław | Polymorphism of grain storage proteins in triticale varieties registred in the Czech Republic. | Genetic diversity was detected in 11 varieties of triticale registered in the Czech Republic by means of polymorphism of storage proteins using the PAGE ISTA method (ISTA, 1999) and SDS PAGE method (Laemmli, 1970). The polymorphism of storage proteins allowed the differentiation of the individual triticale varieties of the 2002 and 2003 harvests. On the basis of Dice’s calculations of coefficients of similarity we discovered, in parallel with the uniform genotypes, genotypes with sister prolamin spectrums with a different percentage of participation in the respective years. A uniform spectrum was detected in the following varieties: Disco, Kolor, Lamberto, Marko, Presto, Sekundo, Ticino and Tricolor; Kitaro and Modus were dimorphous varieties. In 2003 three sister prolamin lines appeared in the variety Gabo, and in 2004 only two. In 2003 a 5% admixture of a foreign genotype was detected in the variety Marko. Typical of the unknown genotype was the gliadin block Gld 1B3, which is the marker of wheat-rye translocation T1BL.1RS. The prolamin proteins of triticale grain are suitable for the detection of the genetic diversity and for the assessment of varietal authenticity and purity in seed samples of triticale varieties registered in the Czech Republic. The individual glutenin electrophoreograms were interpreted qualitatively by means of a catalogue of glutenin alleles for wheat (Payne & Lawrence, 1983). In the triticale varieties Presto, Sekundo, Tricolor, Ticino and Gabo the alleles Glu 1A2 and Glu 1B 7+8 were detected. In the varieties Kitaro, Marko and Disco the alleles Glu 1A1 and Glu 1B 7+8 were found. The heterogeneous constitution 1/2 on locus Glu 1A was detected in varieties Kitaro and Sekundo (two grains in 2003). In the varieties Kolor and Lamberto the Glu 1A0 and Glu 1B 7+8 of HMW glutenin subunits were found. Only in the variety Modus the alleles Glu 1A0 and Glu 1B 6+8 were found.
Biuletyn IHAR | 2006 | 240/241 | Kubicka Helena, Puchalski Jerzy, Niedzielski Maciej, Łuczak Wiesław, Martyniszyn Anna | Collecting and evaluation of genetic resources of rye. | The rye, despite the recent tendency to decrease the area of its cultivation, is still one of the most important crops in Poland being cultivated on 2 million hectares. The main regions of rye cultivation are Europe and Asia. In these regions the greatest variety of genetic forms of rye is recorded. Taking into account the necessity of collecting and evaluating rye genetic resources, the Botanical Garden – Centre for Biological Diversity Conservation of the Polish Academy of Sciences has focused for the last 30 years its interests on gathering in a gene bank and assessing wild species, local landraces, varieties and inbred lines of the genus Secale. The collection includes altogether 2 560 forms. The accessions were multiplied and reproduced in the isolated plots. They were evaluated for their morphological and phenological traits. In the years 1977–2004 1166 local landraces, 772 varieties and 352 inbred lines were characterized. The highest diversity was recorded for local landraces and inbred lines. Variability was lower in the rye varieties, in spite of their different origin. The highest levels of variability were recorded for height of plants, length of spikes and weight of 1000 grains, ranging 30-200 cm, 4-14.8 cm and 10-58 g, respectively. It has been concluded based on the data obtained that the collection represents a wide spectrum of genetic diversity, thus being a valuable source of forms to be used both in rye breeding and in scientific investigations.
Biuletyn IHAR | 2006 | 240/241 | Bujak Henryk, Dopierała Anna, Dopierała Paweł, Nowosad Kamila | Analysis of genotype-environment interaction for the yield of rye cultivars. | The paper presents results of analysis of cultivar x environment interaction in winter rye yield trials. Ten open-pollinated (Motto, Warko, Dańkowskie Złote, Amilo, Wibro, Zduno, Kier, Walet, Hegro, Bosmo) and 4 hybrid (Klawo, Nawid, Ursus, Fernando) cultivars were sown in a split-block design with two replications at 8 locations (Wrocikowo, Marinowo, Sulejów, Tomaszów Bolesławiecki, Pokój, Lubliniec, Głodowo, Wyczechy) over a three-year period (2001–2003). The data were analyzed statistically with the computer program SERGEN 3. Mean squares for cultivars, years, locations and genotype x environment interaction were all significant. The hybrid cultivars, with the exception of Nawid, yielded higher than the open-pollinated cultivars, but they were more sensitive to changing environmental conditions. Cultivar Bosmo in standard husbandary conditions and the cultivars Warko and Hegro in intensive variant of cultivation showed stable performance.
Biuletyn IHAR | 2006 | 240/241 | Śmiałowski Tadeusz, Węgrzyn Stanisław | The analysis of variability and of the relationships between useful traits in oats (Avena sativa L.). | The aim of the study was to estimate variability, a level of genetic variability and phenotypic and genotypic correlation between important agricultural traits in cultivars and strains of oats investigated in the series of preliminary trials carried out in the years 2002–2004. The experiments were performed in 6 plant breeding stations. The following seven traits were evaluated: grain yield, height of plants, date of heading, resistance to lodging, resistance to crown rust, 1000 grains weight and a content of hull. The yield of the oat ranged from 55.8 dt/ha in 2003 to 77.8 dt/ha in 2004. In 2003, the grain yield was strongly affected by unfavourable weather conditions which caused lodging of plants and lowered the values of the other traits. The values of coefficients (h2) for genetic effects upon oat showed the decreasing tendency in the years 2002, 2003 and 2004 (0.789, 0.621 and 0.472, respectively). The height of plants and the resistance to lodging also appeared unstable in respect of genetic variability. The h2 coefficients characterizing the heading, hull content and resistance to crown rust were high (> 0.8) and stable. High variability characterized two traits: resistance to crown rust (CV = 57.3% in 2002, and 16.1% in 2004) and the resistance to lodging (CV = 10.9% in 2002, 13.7% in 2003, and 19.8% in 2004). Low variability was recorded for the yield of grain. The coefficient of variability for the weight of 1000 grains was stable throughout the study years. Desirable phenotypic and genotypic correlation between the grain yield and the resistance to crown rust was recorded in 2002 (rP = 0.41*, rG = 0.49*) and in 2004 (rP = 0.47*, rG = 0.76**). Undesirable correlation between the yield of grain and the resistance to lodging (rP= -0.42*, rG = -0.56**) and between the grain yield and the heading (rP = 0.51**, rG = 0.56**) was only found in 2002.
Biuletyn IHAR | 2006 | 240/241 | Kuriata Rafał, Topolski Artur | Breeding value of maize inbred lines originating from the breeding in Kobierzyce. | Combining ability of forty-eight crosses obtained by crossing 12 inbred lines with four testers was investigated in 2004 using factorial design North Carolina Design II. The experiment was carried out using incomplete block design with three replications. The following traits were evaluated: resistance to tillering, resistance to infection with smut, dry matter content and grain yield. GCA and SCA variations were statistically significant for all the traits. Line 1728-5 was characterized by the greatest number of statistically significant and positive effects. The GCA values were higher than the SCA ones for all traits studied. This finding indicates the importance of additive gene action.
Biuletyn IHAR | 2006 | 240/241 | Kuriata Rafał | Diallel analysis of quantitative traits of single crosses in maize (Zea mays L.). | Progenies from a half diallel (second Griffing’s model) cross involving 8 inbreed lines were grown with their parents in 2001–2002 at three locations. The experiment was carried out using randomized complete blocks design with three replications. Each experimental unit consisted of two rows spaced 75 cm apart. Data were recorded for plant height, ear height, ear length, ear diameter, grain yield from ear, dry matter content and grain yield. Line S245 was characterised by positive GCA effects which showed significant interaction with years and locations. Hybrid S245xS43523 was characterised by positive effects for all the traits except dry matter content. The GCA/SCA variance ratios suggest nonadditive gene actions for almost all studied traits.
Biuletyn IHAR | 2006 | 240/241 | Kadłubiec Władysław, Kuriata Rafał, Karwowska Cecylia, Kurczych Zbigniew | Estimation of combining ability of inbred lines of maize (Zea mays L.). | Offspring of 6 maternal dent lines crossed with 8 testers were investigated. The experiments were carried out at two locations with two replications using incomplete block design. Data were recorded for grain yield, dry matter content, lodging before harvest, tillering and smutted plants. Analyses of general and specific combining ability were done. There were significant differences between environments for all traits. Interactions GCA and SCA effects with environments were significant for all traits except grain yield. Lines 1390-1; 1417-3 and hybrids 1390-19 x K324 and 1560-5 x K324 were the most valuable.
Biuletyn IHAR | 2006 | 240/241 | Kadłubiec Władysław, Lewandowska Sylwia, Kuriata Rafał | The estimation of similarity of inbred lines of maize (Zea mays L.). | Eighteen inbred maize lines of different origin were tested. The lines were derived from American, French, German and Hungarian forms and from hybrids. Five plants of each line were chosen at random to evaluate the following features: ear length, ear diameter, number of grain rows in a cob, number of grains per cob, cob weight, grain yield from one cob, rachis diameter and dry matter content. Cluster analysis using a mean cluster method based on Euclidean distance was applied to estimate a similarity of maize lines. The lines were divided into groups based on their origin. Moreover, a multiple regression analysis was used to assess the extent to which the grain yield from one cob is affected by the other features. The model so obtained is fitted in 94% to the empirical data. It was found that the grain yield from one cob is determined mainly by a number of grains in the cob and cob weight.
Biuletyn IHAR | 2006 | 240/241 | Kadłubiec Władysław, Kuriata Rafał, Karwowska Cecylia, Kurczych Zbigniew | Estimation of breeding values of inbred lines of maize. | The offspring of 6 maternal dent form lines (1566-5, 1573-2,1581-11, 1581-7, 1585-4, 1591-2) crossed with 8 testers (K182, K188, K194, K231, K296, K324, K376, S335) were investigated. The experiments were carried out at two locations (Kobierzyce and Smolice) with two replications using incomplete block design. Data were recorded for grain yield, dry matter content, lodging before harvest, tillering and smutted plants. Analyses of general and specific combining ability were done. Significant differences between environments for all studied traits were found. The interaction between GCA effect and environment was insignificant for grain yield, which is the valuable information for breeders. Insignificant interaction SCA effects with environment were shown for grain yield.
Biuletyn IHAR | 2006 | 240/241 | Bujak Henryk, Jedyński Stanisław, Karczmarek Jan | Evaluation of inbred lines of maize on the basis of specific, foreign and general selection indices. | Studies were carried out on 20 inbred maize lines at two locations: Kobierzyce and Smolice. The following characters: plant height, ear length, no. of rows/ear, no. of' grains/ear and grain weight/ear were included in the construction of three selection indices: specific (Is), foreign (IO) and general (IOG). The results indicated that specific index was the most efficient. Expected genetic advance was lower when foreign index was used. Adequate evaluation of general index could not be made because of insufficient experimental data.
Biuletyn IHAR | 2006 | 240/241 | Bujak Henryk, Jedyński Stanisław, Karczmarek Jan, Karwowska Cecylia, Kurczych Zbigniew, Adamczyk Józef | Evaluation of breeding value of inbred lines of maize on the basis of multitrait analysis. | Forty eight maize hybrids obtained by crossing of six lines with eight flint testers were sown in a square lattice with two replications at two locations (Kobierzyce, Smolice). Statistical analyses were performed according to the computer program SERGEN. Indices expressing crossing potential were calculated for all lines and testers. Significant GCA effects were estimated for plant height, ear length, no. of rows/ear and no. of seeds/ear. SCA effects were significant for no. of seeds/ear. Significant interaction of maternal GCA effects with environment was found for ear length, no. of seeds/ear and seed weight/ ear whereas GCA effects for testers were significant in the case of ear length, no. of rows/ear and seed weight/ear. Plant height, ear length and no. of rows/ear were mostly determined by additive gene action. Both additive and non-additive gene action was involved in the inheritance of no. of grains/ear. The most promising lines were 1450-9, 1470-8, 1470-12, K 154, K 182 and K 324 which showed high crossing potential. The best hybrids were 1360-5 x K 194 and 1450-9 x K154 which were characterized by high no. of seeds/ear.
Biuletyn IHAR | 2006 | 240/241 | Bujak Henryk, Jedyński Stanisław, Karczmarek Jan | The use of restricted selection index in the evaluation of maize germplasm. | Twenty inbred lines of maize were evaluated by means of classical (Smith’s) and restricted selection indices. Both indices were based on variance components for the following characters: plant height, ear length, no. of rows per ear, no. of grains per ear and grain yield. The highest values of classical index were obtained for the lines 1450-9, 1470-12, 1487-1, 1511-1, K 182 and K 324. When restriction was imposed on ear length the most promising lines were K 324, K 182, 1471-8, 1470-12 and 1450-9. Lines having high values of both indices are suitable for developing single and double cross hybrid cultivars of maize.
Biuletyn IHAR | 2006 | 240/241 | Bujak Henryk, Kotecki Andrzej, Kozak Marcin, Malarz Władysław | Variability of agronomic characters in winter oil-seed rape. | Fourteen cultivars of winter oil-seed rape (Baldur F1, Californium, Capio, Carina, Cazek, Contact, Digger, Kronos F1, Liclassic, Lirajet, Lisek, Mazur F1Z, Pomorzanin F1Z, Titan F1, and Viking) were sown in a split-block design at Pawłowice near Wrocław in the growing season 2003/2004. Two systems of husbandry were used: standard and intensive. In the standard system crop protection was carried out according to guidelines of the Institute of Plant Protection in Poznań and mineral fertilization was as follows: 140 kg N•ha-1, 60 kg P2O5•ha-1 and 120 kg K2O•ha-1. The intensive variant of cultivation, in comparison with the standard system, differed by a 50 kg•ha-1 higher level of nitrogen fertilization, foliar sprays with micronutrients (bud stage), full disease control (fungicide sprays at dropping of petals and at green maturity of pods stage). High estimates of heritability were obtained for seed yield (0.79), crude fat yield (0.78) seed weight per pod (0.76), crude fat content (0.74) and crude protein yield (0.74). Low coefficients of variability (less than 5%) were calculated for crude fat content in seeds, 1000 seed weight, no of seeds per pod and total protein content. Viking was the best cultivar in respect of seed yield, crude fat yield and total protein yield. It was also characterized by high no. pods per plant, no. of seeds per pod, seed weight per pod and its crude fat content in seeds was the highest.
Biuletyn IHAR | 2006 | 240/241 | Łuczkiewicz Tadeusz, Mejza Stanisław, Kiełczewska Hanna, Mejza Iwona | Some remarks on the analysis of variance for diallel cross experiments. | The paper deals with three approaches to an analysis of variance for data obtained in a diallel cross experiment with spring rape. The data concerning plants height of 8 inbred lines and 56 crosses between them were used to illustrate consequences of approaches to the analysis. Formally, the experiment was carried out in unbalanced lattice square with subsamples on the units. In the first approach an appropriate analysis for this design is given. In the second approach the mean from subsamples was treated as an observation in a block designed experiment. In the third approach the resolvability property was used and the statistical analysis for the experiment carried out in a complete randomized design was proposed. The consequences in a statistical inference concerning statistical characteristics (general combining ability, specific combining ability) for two experiments with F1 and with F2 were examined.
Biuletyn IHAR | 2006 | 240/241 | Góral Halina, Jasieński Michał, Zając Tadeusz | Combining abilities of several varieties of linseed with respect to yield components. | The study was aimed at evaluating the general (GCA) and specific (SCA) combining abilities and the effects of reciprocal crosses among several varieties of linseed (of different geographic origin), with respect to yield components. We have documented the existence of significant variation in both GCA and SCA for yield components. Reciprocal crosses resulted in significant effects for plant height. The varieties LinolaTM 947 and ‘Opal’ were characterised by significant positive combining abilities for plant height and number of capsules per plant, which implies that with these two varieties selection in early hybrid generations should be effective. The varieties LinolaTM 947 and Barbara can be recommended for recombination breeding aimed at increasing the seed yield, since their GCA for the number of capsules per plant and weight of 1000 seeds are opposite in sign, and they both have positive GCA for seed number per capsule. A reciprocal cross effect for plant height, capsule number and seed weight per plant was recorded for the cross between LinolaTM 947 and Barbara. This result indicates that the direction of crosses is important for the characteristics of the hybrids, which indicates that cytoplasmatic factors may be important in the inheritance of this trait.
Biuletyn IHAR | 2006 | 240/241 | Galek Renata, Kalińska Honorata, Sawicka-Sienkiewicz Ewa | Analysis of the lupin (Lupinus angustifolius L.) collection in respect of some morphological and yield structure characters. | Investigation covered 15 breeding lines and varieties of Lupinus angustifolius, 7 of which belonging to the group of the “epigonal” determinated type of growth (LAE-1, LAE-2, R/24/99, R 108/99, R 170, Sonet, Wersal) and 8 characterized by the “traditional”, non-determinate type of growth (LAG-24, Ród 451, Boruta, Baron, Elff, Mulat, Zeus, Graf). Field experiments were established in 2003 and 2004 by the randomized blocks method in 3 replications. The following characters of the main stem and lateral branches were evaluated: length of inflorescence (cm), number of flowers, and number of pods. Fertility index (%) was calculated as a ratio of the number of pods harvested to the number of developed flowers. Also, the weight of seeds per plant (g) and the weight of 1000 seeds (g) were analyzed. Variance analysis revealed significant differentiation in all characters studied. The variety Boruta developed the longest inflorescence (25 cm), but the longest (8 cm) inflorescence on lateral branches appeared in the variety Baron. The highest number of flowers in the main stem inflorescence is yielded by the varieties Boruta and Sonet and the breeding line LAE-1, whereas the variety Zeus formed only 17 flowers. The number of flowers on lateral branches differed considerably: the variety Graf and the variety Baron showed the lowest (6) and the highest (10) values respectively. The determinate genotypes: LAE-2-2 and Wersal, as well as the traditional LAG-24, showed the most suitable fertility index for the main stem. The breeding line LAG-24 was distinguishable by a high value of the weight of 1000 seeds (180 g), but this line and also Ród 451 had the lowest weight of seeds per plant (14–15 g).
Biuletyn IHAR | 2006 | 240/241 | Sawicka-Sienkiewicz Ewa, Galek Renata, Zalewski Dariusz, Augiewicz Jolanta | Comparison of interspecific hybrids Lupinus albus (sensu lato)x Lupinus mutabilis in respect of some quantitative characters. | In the case of genus Lupinus, it is a very difficult task to obtain interspecific hybrids. Long-term studies were undertaken to overcome the crossability barriers between L. albus and L. mutabilis, and some seeds from certain cross combinations were yielded. The hybrid plants were propagated and the consecutive progenies evaluated. The interspecific hybrids and their parental species were compared in order to evaluate some quantitative characters. Nine interspecific hybrids of the generations F6 and F7 and ten parental forms (Lupinus mutabilis: XM.5, LM-13, LM-34, MUT-45, MUT-136, MUT-628; Lupinus albus sensu lato: L. graecus, L. vavilovi, L. termis, L. albus cv. WAT) were checked. Variance analysis showed significant differences in the study materials with regard to all characters investigated. Six hybrids: (L. termis x Mut-628), (L. termis x KW-epigonal mutant of L. mutabilis), (L. vavilovi x Mut-45), (L. vavilovi x LM-34), (XM.5 x L. vavilovi), (LM-13 x L. graecus) were found similar to the female parents and two hybrids (L. albus cv. WAT x Mut-136), (L. termis x XM.5) resembled the male parents. Four interspecific hybrids (L. termis x Mut-628), (L. termis x KW), (L. vavilovi x Mut-45), (L. vavilovi x LM-34) were distinguishable by seed size — 1000 seeds weight exceeding 300g — and made a homogenous group determined with the use of the Duncan test.
Biuletyn IHAR | 2006 | 240/241 | Galek Renata, Zalewski Dariusz, Augiewicz Jolanta, Sawicka-Sienkiewicz Ewa | Comparative evaluation of intraspecific hybrids of Lupinus mutabilis in the F3 and F4 generations with regard to some quantitative characters. | The experiment involved six representatives of Lupinus mutabilis (XM.5, LM-13, LM-34, Mut-45, Mut-160, Mut-220), used as parents, and seven intraspecific hybrids. The hybrids of the progenies F3 or F4 and the parents were evaluated with respect to the following traits: height of the main stem, height of whole plant, number of branches, length of inflorescence, number of whorls, number of flowers on the main stem, weight of 1000 seeds, and number of pods both on the main stem and branches. The analysis of variance showed significant differentiation in the characters: number of branches, length of inflorescence, number of whorls, number of pods on the main stem and 1000 seeds weight. Reduction in branches was observed in the hybrids whose one parent was the mutant KW with the “epigonal” determined type of growth. The highest number of pods were harvested from the hybrids (XM.5 x KW), (LM-13 x KW) and (LM-34 x Mut-45). The biggest seeds were found in the hybrid (LM-34 x Mut-45) in the progeny F3 and F4 (132.2g, 142.9g). Among the remaining hybrids, the best in this character was (XM.5 x KW) - 134.7g. The hybrids under study are characterized by a high range of variability in most of the evaluated characters.
Biuletyn IHAR | 2006 | 240/241 | Krajewski Paweł, Bocianowski Jan, Gawłowska Magdalena, Kaczmarek Zygmunt, Pniewski Tomasz, Święcicki Wojciech, Wolko Bogdan | Identification and characterization of expression of genes determining traits connected with yield in cross combinations of pea. | The paper contains preliminary results of the research carried out on the basis of lines obtained from cross combinations Wt11238 × Wt3557 and Wt10245 × Wt11238 of pea, Pisum sativum L., with the aim to describe the actions of loci that determine traits affecting pea yield. The results of a one-year experiment conducted at two locations are presented. The mapping method is described, which takes into account the way in which the lines have been derived, and makes possible to estimate the effects of the additive gene action as well as of the dominance.
Biuletyn IHAR | 2006 | 240/241 | Ziemińska Jolanta | Characterization of yielding traits in the dwarf mutant of common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) in relation to the ancestor Bor cultivar. | Two biotypes of common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.): the Bor cultivar and the dwarf mutant of this Bor cultivar, which was obtained as a result of irradiation of early dry seeds by γ-rays, were used as an experimental material. The experiments were carried out in 1999–2001 using the method of randomized blocks in 6 replications. The results of biometrical measurements were applied to estimate variation of some yielding traits by means of mean values and the analysis of variance. The detailed comparison between arithmetic means was conducted with the Tukey’s test at P ≤ 0,05. The results of 3-years experiments allowed to state that the dwarf mutant differed significantly from the initial Bor cultivar in regard to lower seed yield, number of seeds per plant, number of pods, number of seeds per pod and lower thousand seeds weight. The mutants were characterized by larger total protein content in seeds.